Yalçın, Mehmet KürşatErsoy, Erhan2024-11-072024-11-0720182618-575Xhttps://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/336523https://hdl.handle.net/11480/13580This paper describes an autopilot system design to regulate the altitude, heading and forward speed inthe fixed-wing flight mode of the Osprey V22 VTOL (vertical takeoff and land) tilt rotor UAVaccordingly to a reference, which is generated the trajectory sub-block. X- Plane flight simulatordeveloped by Laminar Research, is used to test and optimize the parameter values of the autopilotsystem, which is designed using feedback, feedforward and PID controllers in MATLAB / Simulinkenvironment (Software in the Loop- SIL). The receiver and sender blocks to perform the datainteractions between MATLAB / Simulink and X-Plane flight simulator are created in MATLAB /Simulink environment. The receiver block is used to transfer data from the X-Plane flight simulator tothe controller, while the sender block is used to transfer control signals from the controller to the XPlane flight simulator program. The data communication between the two is UDP. The autopilotsystem under test is embedded in the Raspberry-Pi minicomputer and a hardware-in loop (HIL) testsystem created. The reaction of the control algorithm running on the Raspberry-Pi minicomputer tothe virtual sensor data generated by the X-Plane flight simulator investigated. It is observed that, theOsprey-V22 aircraft can perform tasks autonomously in the horizontal flight mode, from theexperiments and the results obtained. This study also describes the first stage of an undergoing projectwhich aims to develop a robust autopilot for Osprey V22 VTOL UAV.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMühendislikElektrik ve ElektronikRobotikDesigning autopilot system for fixed-wing flight mode of a tilt-rotor UAV in a virtual environment: X-PlaneArticle213342336523