Çalışkan, MustafaŞahin, Seher Mandacı2024-11-072024-11-0720192146-1961https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/343562https://hdl.handle.net/11480/13553The main object of this study is to study the effect of games and activities on rounding andestimation subject in second grade mathematics lesson. The research has been carried out inaccordance with pre-test and post-test design control groups. The study was conducted on the 2ndgrade students at a primary school in one of the towns of a southeast city of Turkey. Four classes,two of which are the test groups and the other two are the control groups were determinedrandomly, including 120 students in total, 61 of whom are from the experiment group and 59 ofwhom are the control group. The scale to determine the attitude of students against mathematics,achievement test carried out in pre-test and post-test design to test the performance of students,observational and semi-formed interview forms as well as video records constitute the means ofgathering data for the research. At the end of the research, the performance of the experimentgroup increased, while there was no change in their attitudes against mathematics. The games andthe activities practiced within the research have been shown to have a positive impact on students.The stagnation in the attitude of the students against mathematics is estimated to be caused bythe shortage of time allocated for the study and the articulation inability of students. As a result ofthe study, it has been concluded that games and activities could be of utmost significance in allsorts of school subjects and that enriching the learning environment with matching games andactivities could promote permanent learning.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEğitimEğitim AraştırmalarıMatematikINVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF GAMES AND ACTIVITIES ON ROUNDING AND ESTIMATION SUBJECTArticle103810591080343562