Mete, SamiyeIsbir, Gozde Gokce2019-08-012019-08-0120152047-30872047-3095 aim of this study was to reveal experiences of nursing students and their advisors using theories and models in their PhD dissertations. MethodsThe study adopted a descriptive qualitative approach. This study was performed with 10 PhD candidates and their five advisors from nursing faculty. ResultsThe results of the study were categorized into four. These are reasons for using a theory/model in a PhD dissertation, reasons for preferring a given model, causes of difficulties in using models in PhD dissertations, and facilitating factors of using theories and models in PhD of dissertations. ConclusionsIt was also reported to contribute to the methodology of research and professional development of the students and advisors. AmacHemirelik alannda model veya teori kullanlarak yaplan doktora tezlerinde yaanlan deneyimleri belirlemek amacyla yaplmtr. YontemKalitatif yontem kullanlarak yaplan tanmlayc bir aratrmadr. Aratrmann orneklemini hemirelik alannda doktora yapan on orenci ile onlarn danman olan be oretim uyesi oluturmaktadr. BulgularSonuclar dort kategoride toplanmtr; doktora tezinde model/teori kullanma nedenleri, secilen model/teoriyi tercih etme nedenleri, doktora tezinde model/teori kullanmnda yaanlan guclukler, doktora tezinde model/teori kullnmn kolaylatrc faktorler. SonuclarDoktora tezinde model kullanmak aratrmann metodolojisine ve orenci ve danmann profesyonel geliimine katk salamtr.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessModelnursingPhD educationqualitative designtheoryUsing a Nursing Theory or a Model in Nursing PhD Dissertations: A Qualitative Study From TurkeyArticle262627210.1111/2047-3095.12036248703562-s2.0-84927796631Q2WOS:000353879200003Q3