[0-Belirlenecek]Kacar, İlyasÇiner, FehimanDoğan-Sağlamtimur, Neslihan2020-01-092020-01-092019978-975-8062-33-1http://www.ohu.edu.tr/icetemhttp://www.icetem.org.tr/https://hdl.handle.net/11480/7495All rights reserved. The right to publish this book belongs to ICETEM 2019. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission. This Proceeding Book has been published as an electronic publication (e-book). Citation can not be shown without the source, reproduced in any way without permission. Authors are responsible for not only scientific contents but also format of their papers. icetem@ohu.edu.tr The individual contributions in this publication and any liabilities arising from them remain the responsibility of the authors. The publisher is not responsible for possible damages, which could be a result of content derived from this publication. Yılmaz Şimşek (Governor of Niğde) Prof. Dr. Muhsin KAR (Rector of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University) Prof. Dr. Kutsi Savaş ERDURAN (Dean of Engineering Faculty of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University) CO-CHAIRS OF CONFERENCE (Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University) Prof. Dr. Fehiman Prof. Dr. Neslihan DOĞAN-SAĞLAMTİMURWe have the pleasure of sharing state-of-the-art knowledge, science and technology with you in the "1st International Conference on Environment, Technology and Management (ICETEM)” organized by Environmental Engineering Department of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University between 27-29 June 2019 in Niğde (one of the cities of Cappodoccia), Turkey. This conference provided not only the opportunity to bring experts from all around the World and different disciplines and but also the ideal academic platform for researchers to present the latest research findings. We believe this interaction is a unique platform to come together to discuss critically recent researches and to intensify new collaborations and scientific research in environment, technology and management issues that are intertwined with time. 56 universities and institutions from 13 different countries of the World and Turkey participated in this conference. Scientific papers were presented in Turkish or English. This international conference developed new collaborations and meeting of experts and scientists on the fundamentals, applications, and products of the environment, technology and management fields, during three days. On Behalf of Organizing Committee Prof. Dr. Fehiman ÇİNER & Prof. Dr. Neslihan DOĞAN-SAĞLAMTİMUR Co-Chairs of the ICETEMeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGeri DönüşümYeniden KullanımAtıksu Arıtımı ve YönetimiBiyoçeşitlilikBiyomühendislik ve BiyoteknolojiÇevresel Kirleticilerin İzlenmesi ve AnaliziDesalinasyonEndüstriyel Kirlilik ve KontrolüGIS ve Uzaktan AlgılamaHava Kalitesi ve ModellemesiHavza YönetimiHidrojen ve Yakıt Hücresi Teknolojileriİklim Değişikliğiİleri Biyolojik Fiziksel ve Kimyasal ProseslerKatı ve Tehlikeli Atık YönetimiMembran TeknolojileriMühendislik Disiplinlerinde Teknolojik UygulamalarMühendislik Hukuku Politikası ve EkonomisiNanomalzemelerSu Kirliliği ve KontrolüSürdürülebilir Doğal Kaynaklar ve YönetimiSürdürülebilir UlaşımTemiz ve Sürdürülebilir ÜretimTemiz ve Yenilenebilir Enerji KaynaklarıToprak Kirliliği ve İyileştirme TeknolojileriYapı Teknolojileri ve YönetimiYeni Nesil MalzemelerYeni Nesil TeknolojilerYer ve Doğa BilimleriAdvances in Biological, Physical and Chemical ProcessesAir Quality and ModellingBiodiversityBioengineering and BiotechnologyClean and Renewable Energy SourcesCleaner and Sustainable ProductionClimate ChangeConstruction Technologies and ManagementDesalinationEarth and Natural SciencesEngineering Law, Policy and EconomicsFuture TechnologiesGIS and Remote SensingHydrogen and Fuel Cell TechnologiesIndustrial Pollution and ControlMembrane TechnologiesMonitoring and Analysis of Environmental ContaminantNanomaterialsNovel Materials ScienceReduce, Recycle, Reuse and RecoverSoil Pollution and Remediation TechnologiesSolid and Hazardous Waste ManagementSustainable Natural Resources and ManagementSustainable TransportationTechnological Applications in Engineering DisciplinesWastewater Treatment and ManagementWater Pollution and ControlWatershed ManagementProceedings Book of the 1st International Conference on Environment, Technology and Management ICETEM 27-29 June 2019 Niğde / TurkeyICETEM 2019Book11290