Boğa, MustafaAvcı, Barış CemKılıç, Hatice Nur2024-11-072024-11-0720222148-127X change in living standards in developing countries and the rapid increment in the world\rpopulation increase the need for plant and animal food. Agriculture and animal husbandry practices\rbecome more common day by day to meet the need for food and obtain more products. This\rsituation increases the amount of waste per unit of animal products. Increased animal excrement is\rassociated with greenhouse gas emissions, it harms the environment and animal health. Methane,\rone of these greenhouse gases, increases poses significant threat to global warming. Today, studies\rthat optimize rumen and animal productivity in order to reduce methane release caused by ruminant\ranimals are among the subjects that attract the attention of researchers. This study is purpose to\revaluate the beef rations in terms of chemical composition, methane production, net energy and\rorganic matter digestibility by collecting roughage and concentrate feed mixtures (TMR) obtained\rfrom different livestock farms in Niğde province. Thus, for increase the productivity of livestock in\rsmall farms in Turkey, the ratios of feed raw materials at the farm scale were determined, and\revaluations were made according to the results of the lower and upper limits obtained from the\rfattening rations. In vitro gas production technique was used for gas and methane production of\rTMR samples. Nutrient contents obtained from different livestock farms Crude Protein (9.58-\r14.72), Raw Oil (1.89- 2.30), CA (7.64-13.92), ADF (19.77-27.82) NDF (36.71-45.69) Dry Matter\r(90.48-91.79), methane (CH?), OMS, NEL and ME values were also different. In the study, it was\robserved that the ration contents were not calculated according to the age, developmental stage,\rfattening period and needs of the animal. It was determined that different rations were used in farms\reven in animal groups with similar characteristics. It can be said that a more economical and\rprofitable animal husbandry can be made by recording the fattening performances of animals such\ras live weight gain, weight gain at the beginning and end of fattening, feed consumption.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGıda Bilimi ve TeknolojisiVeterinerlikEvaluation of Some Commercial Food Rations in Terms of Chemical Composition, Methane Production, Net Energy and Organic Substance DigestibilityArticle1061095110110.24925/turjaf.v10i6.1095-1101.5071537204