Güler, Hünkar2024-11-072024-11-0720202564-6931https://doi.org/10.25287/ohuiibf.730281https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/420965https://hdl.handle.net/11480/12398Public goods which have the featuresof nonrivalry in consumption and nonexcludability have positive externalaties spreading the large masses, and also cover negative externalaties (public bads) not to damage the environment, health and so on.Cross-border spillover effects of externalaties actually makethe public goodsconvertto global public goods. In this sense, struggling the pandemics is a most crucial global public goodwhich doesnot only impacthuman life butalso preventsthe collapse of national economies. Pandemics slow the pace ofeconomic growth as well asincreasing theloss of workforce. Governments employ a balance between the increasein spread of disease and mortality, and economic stability. This paper attempts to explain the whole story of the pandemicsand their economic implications by giving examples from literature.Main finding resulted from the paperswritten on this issueisthatpandemics exacerbate the national economiesthrough different channels.Developed and developing countries should take the pandemicsinto account as a regressive power or obstacle infront of economic growth and stability of state budgets,strongly collaborate against pandemicas a naturel disaster, support their healthcare systems andbe ready for these kindsofdisasterseninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessHalk ve Çevre SağlığıİktisatSTRUGGLING THE PANDEMIC CRISES AS AGLOBAL PUBLIC GOODTHE ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS OF PANDEMICSArticle13475877510.25287/ohuiibf.730281420965