Davvaz, BijanAlp, Murat2019-08-012019-08-0120141018-6301https://hdl.handle.net/11480/732http://bims.iranjournals.ir/article_527.htmlIn this paper, we give the notions of crossed polymodule and cat1-polygroup as a generalization of Loday's definition. Then, we define the pullback cat1-polygroup and we obtain some results in this respect. Specially, we prove that by a pullback cat1- polygroup we can obtain a cat1-group. © 2014 Iranian Mathematical Society.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCrossed polymodulePolygroupCat1-polygroups and pullback cat1-polygroupsArticle4037217352-s2.0-84902595915Q3WOS:000341703900013Q4