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Öğe A Rare Case of Pediatric Pelvic Ectopic Kidney Injury Management(2024) Yakut, Emrah; Öztorun, KenanRenal injury occurs in 10-20% of all abdominal blunt traumas and 3-4% of penetrating traumas in the pediatric population. A 6-year-old girl who had blunt abdominal trauma as a result of a motor vehicle accident was evaluated in the emergency department of our hospital. She complained of a severe left flank and abdominal pain. Defensiveness was detected in the left quadrants of the abdomen and costovertebral angle tenderness was detected in the left. Abdominal computed tomography revealed a left pelvic ectopic kidney with a grade three laceration. The patient was admitted to our urology department, and conservative follow-up was decided after hemodynamic stability was achieved. During the follow-ups, clinical manifestations, vital signs, and laboratory values remained stable, the patient was discharged. In conclusion, based on this experience, we believe that the management of child pelvic ectopic kidney injury can be similar to that of orthotopic kidneys in accordance with the classification of the injury.Öğe Frequency of Incidental Cancer in Transurethral Prostate Resection Materials and Our Clinical Approach to These Patients; a Retrospective File Scan(2019) Özbey, Caner; Öztorun, KenanAim: This study aims to determine the incidence of cancer inpatients who underwent transurethral resection of the prostate(TUR-P) due to bladder outlet obstruction and to share our clinicalapproach to these patients at Niğde Ömer Halisdemir UniversityTraining and Research Hospital.Material and Method: The pathology reports of 650 TUR-Pspecimens from January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2017, wereretrospectively screened. In the pathology results of the prostaticadenocarcinoma patients, the age, tumor stage and Gleason score(GS) were evaluated. Physical examination data and the serum totalProstate Specific Antigen (PSA) levels, as well as the radiologicalfindings, were analyzed according to the hospital records.Results: After excluding nine patients with known prostate carcinomathere were 15 adenocarcinomas out of 641 patients(2.34%). The mean age was 72. Eleven patients were diagnosedas GS 6, and four patients were diagnosed with GS 7 prostateadenocarcinoma. Serum total PSA levels ranged from 1.56 to9.22 ng/mL. T1a tumor was detected in 11 patients and T1b tumorin 4 patients.Conclusion: Considering the studies that reported incidentalprostate cancer (IPC) rates in the PSA era, our rate is close tothe lower limit. The application of primary therapies should not beavoided in patients with IPC after TUR-P.Öğe Kadınlarda Primer Vezikoüreteral Reflü Tedavisinde, Karbon Kaplı Boncuklar ve Dekstranomer/Hiyalüronik Asidin Değerlendirilmesi(2020) Köse, Osman; Günaydın, Bilal; Akın, Yiğit; Görgel, Sacit; Özcan, Serkan; Yorulmaz, Enis Mert; Öztorun, KenanAmaç: Karbon kaplı boncuklar (Durasphere®) ve dekstranomer/hiyalüronik asit kopolimeri (Deflux®) ile primer grade I-III primervezikoüreteral reflü (VUR) nedeni ile endoskopik subüreterik enjeksiyon yapılan erişkin kadın hastaları retrospektif olarak değerlendirdik.Gereç ve Yöntemler: İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi veNiğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesinin üroloji bölümlerinde, primer grade I-III VUR nedeni ile endoskopik subüreteral enjeksiyon yapılan kadınların tıbbi kayıtları retrospektif olarak gözdengeçirildi. Nörojenik mesaneye sekonder VUR, infravezikal obstrüksiyon, mesane tümörünün rezeksiyonu, üreterosel insizyonu veya üreteral reimplantasyonu olan ve 18 yaşın altındaki hastalar çalışma dışıbırakıldı. Bulgular: Durasphere® grubu; preoperatif grade II ve IIIVUR sırasıyla 7 ve 8 üreterde tespit edildi. Üç hastada bilateral VURvardı. Cinsel olarak aktif 10 ve tekrarlayan üriner enfeksiyonu olan 7hasta mevcuttu. Doğum yapan 7 hastanın 6’sında, gebelik sırasında hastaneye yatırılması gereken piyelonefrit öyküsü vardı. Ortalama38,00±14,70 aylık takip periyodunda vezikoüreteral obstrüksiyon gözlenmedi, ancak 2 olguda VUR nüksüne bağlı ikinci endoskopik girişim, 1 hastaya Cohen üreteroneosistostomi yapıldı. Deflux® grubu; Ondört hastanın 3’ünde bilateral VUR vardı. Grade I, II ve III reflü, sırasıyla 3, 8 ve 6 böbrek ünitesinde izlendi. Hastaların 13'ü cinsel olarakaktif olup, 11'inde doğum öyküsü, 6'sında tekrarlayan idrar yolu enfeksiyonu, 4'ünde gebelik sırasında piyelonefrit nedeni ile hastanedeyatış öyküsü vardı. Dört hastaya, başarısızlık nedeni ile ikinci endoskopik subüreterik enjeksiyon uygulandı. Gruplarda postoperatif piyelonefrit izlenmedi. Sonuç: Karbon kaplı boncuklar güvenli,uygulanabilir, etkili subüreterik hacim artırıcı maddedir ve erişkin kadınpopülasyonunda ciddi dilatasyon olmayan reflüksif üreterlerinin endoskopik tedavisinde Deflux® ile karşılaştırılabilir sonuçlara sahiptir.Öğe Results Of Living With An Encrusted Double J Stent For More Than 10 Years(2020) Akdeniz, Ekrem; Öztorun, KenanForgotten ureteral stents (FUS) may entail major complications such as infecti-on, migration, encrustation, stone formation, and kidney failure. These complications increase with duration of stent indwelling. We discuss our ex-perience of therapeutic approaches to treatment management of patients living with double J (DJ) stents for more than 10 years.Material and Methods_ Data for three pa-tients living encrusted DJ stents for more than 10 years were evaluated retrospectively.Results_ All three subjects stated that they did not present to physicians due to absence of typical stent symptoms (such as hematuria, flank pain, and urgency). All three patients presented to us with urinary tract symptoms. Advanced re-nal function loss was present in two patients, and non-functional kidney in one. Laparoscopic neph-roureterectomy was performed on the patient with a non-functional kidney, and multimodal neph-ron-sparing surgery on the other two.Conclusions_ Despite all the many advances in technology, long-term encrusted stents lead to sepsis and loss of kidney function. We think that not forgetting is the best means of protection aga-inst encrusted stent-related complications_