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Öğe AN ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF FOLK DANCES ON VISUAL MOTOR PERCEPTION LEVEL OF PRIMARY SCHOOL FIRST GRADE (7 AGES) STUDENTS(2018) Atasoy, Murat; Ekiz, Meryem Altun; Yalçınkaya, AhmetThe purpose of this study is to examine the effects of folk danceson visual motor perceptions of primary school primary (7 ages) students.The study was conducted using experimental design with pretest /posttest control group. The study group of the study is composed of sevenyear old children who are educated in Süleyman Türkmani PrimarySchool in Kırşehir in 2016-2017 educational year and selected byobjective sampling method. The study group is a total of 90 peopleconsisting of 45 experiments and 45 controls. \"Visual Motor Gestalt Test\"was used as the measurement tool in the research. For the experimentalgroup, the folk dances education program was applied as 2 hours a dayfor 3 days a week for 12 weeks, whereas for the control group only theeducation was given according to the Ministry of National EducationEducation Program. The obtained data were analyzed and analyzed usingSPSS 22 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) package program.In the analysis of the data, the dependent sample t-test was used toexamine the differences between the experiment and control groups,while the demographics were examined on the percentage and frequency.As a result of the study, it was seen that there was a significant differencein favor of the experiment group between the visual motor perceptionlevels of children who received the folk dances curriculum and childrenwho received the National Education Ministry Pre-School curriculum.This result shows the effectiveness of folk dances in improving the visualmotor perception level. This result shows that folk dances are effective inimproving visual motor perception level. There was also no significant difference in terms of sex. It is thought that sex roles in this age groupare not yet evident.Öğe ANALYSIS OF THE PERCEPTIONS OF THE DIGITAL GAME CONCEPT 0F 9-10 YEAR CHILDREN BY MEANS OF METAPHORS(2018) Atasoy, Murat; Ekiz, Meryem Altun; Yalçınkaya, AhmetThe aim of this research is to determine the thoughts of 9-10 yearold children about the digital game concept with the help of metaphors.The study group of the study consisted of 40 students, 22 in the agegroup of 9 and 18 in the age group of 10, who were educated in theacademic year of 2016-2017 in 30 Ağustos Zafer Primary School inKırşehir. In order to collect data in the study, \"metaphor form\" wasprepared to determine the students' thoughts about digital game concept.Students in metamorphic form are like \"digital game ...\" because ... \" theyare asked to complete the coven. In this study prepared according toqualitative research model, phenomenology is used. In the analysis of thedata; content analysis technique. For the reliability of the analysis of theresearch data, the reliability coefficient between the participants wascalculated [Opinion union / (Union union + Discretion of opinion) x 100]and this value was found to be 90%. By evaluating the data, it was seenthat the students produced a total of 19 metaphors. These metaphorsproduced are collected in 5 different categories. While the students werefound to develop metaphors in the most \"addictive\" category of digitalgame, they followed this category associate, Entertaining activities,Spending time, Violence\". In the addiction category, 6 metaphors wereproduced by the participants and it became the most widely used\"harmful habit\" metaphor. As a result, it has been determined thatstudents express the concept of digital game through differentperspectives through metaphors.Öğe INVESTIGATION OF DIGITAL GAME ADDICTION OF CHILDREN BETWEEN 9-11 AGE GROUPS: KIRŞEHİR SAMPLE(2018) Ekiz, Meryem Altun; Atasoy, MuratThe aim of this study is to investigate the digital game addiction in children between the ages of9-11. This research, which is a descriptive study, has been conducted with the screening model. Atotal of 1100 students, which consist of 552 girls and 548 boys, from the 6 state schools (MehmetHüsnü Özyeğin, Erol Güngör, Süleyman Türkmani ve Sırrı Kardeş Primary Schools, and Cacabeyand 23 Nisan Secondary Schools) affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in the provinceof Kırşehir participated in the research with the method of purposeful sampling. A 14-item digitalgame addiction scale developed by researchers was used in the study. Percentage, frequency,factor analysis and Chi-square test were used in the analysis of the data. As a result of theconducted analyzes, it is seen that digital game addiction scores change according to gender andage. According to gender, there is a significant difference between girls' low addiction levels andboys' low addiction levels. It can be concluded that addiction level of boys is higher than the levelof girls. According to the age, it is seen that the average and high level game addiction decreaseswhile the low level game addiction increases as the age increases. In brief, the level of gameaddiction decreases as the age increases and this result is not accidental but significant. One ofthe most effective ways to cope with digital game addiction is to direct children to physicalactivities. However, parents, teachers and students should be informed about digital gameaddiction.Öğe MEASUREMENT OF EMPATHY LEVELS OF NATIONAL ATHLETES(2019) Altun, Meryem; Atasoy, MuratThis study intended to measure the empathy levels of National Athletes. The screening model was used in thestudy. The study was conducted with 150 athletes in total in the National Athletics Team Camp, aged 21 and23, 69 female and 81 male. The Empathy Quotient developed by Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright (2004) andvalidated and verified by Bora and Baysan (2009) was used as the data collection tool. The data was analyzedwith SPSS 22 and the confidence level was 95%. According to the Shapiro-Wilk normality analysis, while theCognitive Empathy scores of the participants had normal distribution (p>0,05); the Empathic InterestSympathy, Emotional Reactivity, Social Skills and Empathy Levels did not demonstrate normal distribution(p<0,05). Differences in Cognitive Empathy scores by age and gender were analyzed by the parametric testmethod, independent samples t-test, and differences in Empathic Interest-Sympathy, Emotional Reactivity,Social Skills and Empathy Levels by age and gender were analyzed by the non-parametric test method, MannWhitney U. According to the study results, there is no statistically significant difference by gender ((p>0,05).Considering age, there is no statistically significant difference between the participants aged 21 and 23 in termsof Cognitive Empathy, Empathic Interest-Sympathy, Emotional Reactivity, Empathy Level (p>0,05). There isstatistically significant difference by Social Skills between the participants aged 21 and 23 (p<0,05). While theaverage score for age 21 is 68,86, it is 86,33 for age 23. Accordingly, Social Skills are higher in the participantsaged 23.Öğe The effect of various local dances on prospective physical education teachers’ attitudes towards the folk dance course(Sciedu Press, 2019) Altun, Meryem; Atasoy, MuratIn this study, the effect of various local dances on prospective physical education teachers’ attitudes towards the folk dance course was examined. The research was conducted by using an experimental design with pre-test/post-test control group. A total of 46 female students, which includes an experimental group consisting of 23 students attended the folk dance class and a control group consisting of 23 students did not attend the folk dance class, who are studying at Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, School of Physical Education and Sports in the Department of Teaching in the spring term of the 2017-2018 academic year and who are aged 20 years, voluntarily participated in the study. In this research, the Folk Dance Course Attitude Scale for Prospective Physical Education Teachers developed by Turan (2015) was used. In the experimental group, the folk dances training program, which continues for 14 weeks with the program of 2 days of a week for 2 hours at each day, was conducted. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 22 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) package program. In the analysis of data, dependent sampling t-test was used for examining the differences between experimental and control groups. As a result of the research, it was observed that there was a significant difference in favor of students who took the folk dance training. This result shows that various local dances are effective in developing a positive attitude towards this course. © 2019, Sciedu Press. All rights reserved.