Azapzâde (Azabagic) Mehmet Tevfik'in "Hicret Hakkında Risale" adlı Türkçe eseri üzerine bir değerlendirme
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Avusturya-Macaristan devleti 1878 yılında Bosna-Hersek’i işgal eder. İşgal sonrası Bosna-Hersek’te başta siyasi şartlar olmak üzere pek çok şey değişir. Yeni şartlar sosyal alana da yansır ve mevcut durumdan rahatsız olan çok sayıda Boşnak aile vatanını terk etmeye karar verir. Başta işgal olmak üzere çeşitli sebeplere bağlı olarak başlayan göç hareketi bazı tartışmaları da beraberinde getirir. Göç sorunu, dönemin basınında ve yayımlanan bazı kitaplarda da tartışılır. Bu kitaplardan biri de Mehmet Tevfik Azabagiç’in “Hicret Hakkında Risale” adlı eseridir. Kitap hacim bakımından küçük, ancak yarattığı etki bakımından oldukça büyüktür. Hicret Hakkında Risale ilk olarak Arapça yazılmış, fakat yeterince anlaşılmadığı fark edilince bir takım yeni ilaveler de yapılarak Türkçe olarak yeniden yayımlanmıştır (1886). Eserin zihinlerdeki karışıklığı büyük ölçüde giderdiği, göç hareketini durduramasa bile en azından yavaşlattığı ve Boşnakları göç sorunu üzerinde düşünmeye yönelttiği söylenebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Bosna-Hersek’te işgal sonrası yaşanan göç olgusunu durdurmaya yönelik ilk basılı Türkçe eser olan Hicret Hakkında Risale’yi Türk araştırmacıların bilgisine sunmak ve Türk dilinin yayılma sahasını, eserin yayımlanma gerekçesiyle birlikte ortaya koymaktır.
The Austro-Hungarian Empire occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1878. Following the occupation, so many conditions, the foremost of all, political ones changed. The new circumstances affected social life as well. Many Bosnian families disturbed from the present situation decided to leave from their motherland. The immigration, which started first with the occupation, brought forth a number of issues. The immigration issue was also discussed in the media and some of the published books of the period. One of these books is the work of Mehmet Tevfik Azabagic called "The Treatise about the Immigration". The book is small on account of its size, but it is quite great on account of the effects which it has caused. "The Treatise about the Immigration " was written in Arabic for the first time. However, when it was realized that the book was not comprehensible enough, it was published again in Turkish with some additions (1886). It can be said that the work has been useful as it clarified the confusion in people's minds on a large scale. Even though the work did not manage to stop the immigration issue, it succeeded to slow down this issue and led the Bosnians to consider it.
The Austro-Hungarian Empire occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1878. Following the occupation, so many conditions, the foremost of all, political ones changed. The new circumstances affected social life as well. Many Bosnian families disturbed from the present situation decided to leave from their motherland. The immigration, which started first with the occupation, brought forth a number of issues. The immigration issue was also discussed in the media and some of the published books of the period. One of these books is the work of Mehmet Tevfik Azabagic called "The Treatise about the Immigration". The book is small on account of its size, but it is quite great on account of the effects which it has caused. "The Treatise about the Immigration " was written in Arabic for the first time. However, when it was realized that the book was not comprehensible enough, it was published again in Turkish with some additions (1886). It can be said that the work has been useful as it clarified the confusion in people's minds on a large scale. Even though the work did not manage to stop the immigration issue, it succeeded to slow down this issue and led the Bosnians to consider it.
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