Determination of Knowledge Level, Consumption Behaviours and Habits about the Bee Products of the University Students
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In the research, it was aimed to determined he level of information of university students’ about beeproducts, consumption behaviours and habits. The study was conducted on 311 students who wererandomly selected from the students studying at Selçuk University. Most of the students whoparticipated in the survey live in the Marmara Region. When the results were examined, it was foundthat all of the students had knowledge about honey, however, the knowledge level for pollen, royaljelly, bee wax, bee venom and propolis were75.2%, 43.7%, 41.2%, 30.2%and 21.2%, respectively.There was also no significant difference bet ween gender and consumption of honey, pollen andpropolis. While here was a significant difference bet ween honey and propolis consuming of studentsin terms of monthly average income and consumption of bee products, there was no significantdifference in pollen and royal jelly consumption. It was found that there was no significant differencein bee product like honey, pollen and royal jelly between average monthly food expenditure andconsumption, but it was found that there was a significant difference in consuming propolis. Withthis information, the students how they obtained the bee products, how much they consume in whichseason, how they understand the artificiality and crystallization of honey, and the physical states ofthe products were compared and also, these results compared with the other studies made about thistopic before and some suggestions were made
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Türk Tarım - Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji dergisi
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