(BiPb)SrCaCuO süperiletkeninin gerçek sertlik değerinin farklı modellerle hesaplanması
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Sıvı yöntem ile üretilmiş (BiPb)SrCaCuO süperiletkeninin mikrosertlik davranışı dinamik mikroiz tekniği ile araştırıldı. (BiPb)SrCaCuO numunelerinin iz yük-yer değiştirme eğrileri 200 ile 1800 mN aralığında farklı yük pik yük seviyeleri için çizildi. Yükleme-boşaltma eğrilerinden hesaplanan mikrosertlik değerleri pik yüküne bağlılık gösterdi; İz Boyutu Etkisi(İBE). İz boyut etkisi, Meyer kanunu, Hays-Kendal yaklaşımı, Orantılı Numune Direnç (OND) Modeli, ve Geliştirilmiş Orantılı Numune Direnç (GOND) Modeli ile incelendi. Sonuç olarak, (BiPb)SrCaCuO süperiletkeninin mikrosertlik değerinin belirlenmesinde en etkili metodun GOND olduğu bulundu.Anahtar sözcükler: Sıvı Yöntem, (BiPb)SrCaCuO, İz Boyutu Etkisi(İBE), Zn İlavesi, Gerçek Sertlik.
Microhardness behaviour of (BiPb)SrCaCuO superconductor prepared by a wet method was investigated by dynamic microindentation technique. The indentation load-displacement curves of the (BiPb)SrCaCuO samples were drawn by different peak load levels ranging from 200 to 1800 mN. Microhardness values calculated from loading-unloading curves exhibited peak load dependance, i.e., indentation size effect. The indentation size effect (ISE) was analysed by using the Meyer?s law, the Hays-Kendal approach, the Proportinal Specimen Resistance (PSR) model, and the Modified Proportional Specimen (MPSR) model. Consequently, MPSR model was found to be the most effective one for determination of microhardness value of (BiPb)SrCaCuO superconductor.Keywords: Wet method, (BiPb)SrCaCuO, Indentation Size Effect (ISE), Zn Addition, True Hardness.
Microhardness behaviour of (BiPb)SrCaCuO superconductor prepared by a wet method was investigated by dynamic microindentation technique. The indentation load-displacement curves of the (BiPb)SrCaCuO samples were drawn by different peak load levels ranging from 200 to 1800 mN. Microhardness values calculated from loading-unloading curves exhibited peak load dependance, i.e., indentation size effect. The indentation size effect (ISE) was analysed by using the Meyer?s law, the Hays-Kendal approach, the Proportinal Specimen Resistance (PSR) model, and the Modified Proportional Specimen (MPSR) model. Consequently, MPSR model was found to be the most effective one for determination of microhardness value of (BiPb)SrCaCuO superconductor.Keywords: Wet method, (BiPb)SrCaCuO, Indentation Size Effect (ISE), Zn Addition, True Hardness.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Fizik Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering