Osmaniye ili Düziçi ilçesinde sosyal-ekonomik ve dini hayat
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Bu çalışmada Osmaniye ili Düziçi ilçesindeki Sosyal ? Ekonomik ve Dini hayat ele alınmıştır. Birinci bölümde; Osmaniye ilinin tarihi, coğrafyası, sosyal ve kültürel hayatı üzerinde durulmuştur. Osmaniye ili Düziçi ilçesi hakkında bilgi veren ikinci bölümde; Düziçi ilçesinin tarihi, ekonomik ve sosyal yapısı, belde ve köyleri ile tarihi ve doğal zenginlikleri hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Sosyo-kültürel hayat ile ilgili olan üçüncü bölümde ise; sözlü kaynaklardan elde edilen bilgilere dayalı âdet, inanış ve uygulamaların eski Türk kültürü ile olan ilişkileri ortaya konmuştur. Dördüncü bölümde ise Düziçi Halk Edebiyatı üzerinde durulmuştur. Çalışmada sözlü kaynakların yanı sıra özellikle halk inançları ve uygulamalarında alan araştırması yapılmış, soru-cevap ve gözlem v.b. yöntemlerle bilgi toplanmıştır.Osmaniye ili Düziçi ilçesindeki belde ve köyler incelenmiş; geçiş ritüelleri olan doğum, evlenme, ölüm âdetleri ve bunlara bağlı inanışlar, bayramlar, halk inanışları, halk mutfağı, halk hekimliği ve anonim halk edebiyatı ürünleri, yöresel kelimeler, atasözleri, deyimler, dualar ve beddualar tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonucunda Osmaniye ili Düziçi yöresindeki sosyal ve dini hayatın Türk inanç ve kültür yapısından önemli ölçüde etkilendiği söylenebilir. Düziçi'nde ki Sosyal ve Kültürel hayatın eski Türk kültürünün yeniden İslamiyet'le şekillenerek Anadolu'da, özellikle de Düziçi'nde yaşamaya devam etmekte olduğu söylenebilir.Anahtar Sözcükler: Düziçi, Sosyal Yapı, Dini ve Ekonomik Hayat, Halk kültürü, Halk Edebiyatı.
In this study the social, economic and religious life in Düziçi district of Osmaniye have been considered. In the first chapter; the history, geography, social and cultural life of Osmaniye have been emphasized. In the second chapter which gives information about Düziçi district of Osmaniye; it has been given information about the history, economic and social structure, villages, towns, historical and natural beauties of Düziçi district. In the third chapter wich is about folk culture; ıt has been tried to determine the relation between the old Turkish culture and traditions, believes and similar applications based on the information which is obtained from verbal sources. In the fourth chapter, the folk literature of Düziçi district has been emphasized. After givininginformation which is obtained from written sources on the handling subject, the traditions, believes and applications which are from verbal sources have been transferred.The villages and towns in Düziçi district have been exomined; the traditions of death, birth, marriage which are transition period and the believes depend on these three, the feasts, folk believes, community kitchen, vommunity physicion, products of anonymous folk literature, local words, proverbs, idioms, prayers and curses have been tried to determine. In the endof this study, it is clear that the folk culture has been lived in that area and the social and religious life in Düziçi district of Osmaniye have been extremely affected from the cultural structure and believes of Anatolia and Central Asia. After the acceptonce of İslam, today?s Düziçi folk culture has brought about with the restattement of this culture.Keywords: Düziçi, Social Structure, Religious and Economic Life, Public Culture, Folk literature.
In this study the social, economic and religious life in Düziçi district of Osmaniye have been considered. In the first chapter; the history, geography, social and cultural life of Osmaniye have been emphasized. In the second chapter which gives information about Düziçi district of Osmaniye; it has been given information about the history, economic and social structure, villages, towns, historical and natural beauties of Düziçi district. In the third chapter wich is about folk culture; ıt has been tried to determine the relation between the old Turkish culture and traditions, believes and similar applications based on the information which is obtained from verbal sources. In the fourth chapter, the folk literature of Düziçi district has been emphasized. After givininginformation which is obtained from written sources on the handling subject, the traditions, believes and applications which are from verbal sources have been transferred.The villages and towns in Düziçi district have been exomined; the traditions of death, birth, marriage which are transition period and the believes depend on these three, the feasts, folk believes, community kitchen, vommunity physicion, products of anonymous folk literature, local words, proverbs, idioms, prayers and curses have been tried to determine. In the endof this study, it is clear that the folk culture has been lived in that area and the social and religious life in Düziçi district of Osmaniye have been extremely affected from the cultural structure and believes of Anatolia and Central Asia. After the acceptonce of İslam, today?s Düziçi folk culture has brought about with the restattement of this culture.Keywords: Düziçi, Social Structure, Religious and Economic Life, Public Culture, Folk literature.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İlköğretim Ana Bilim Dalı, Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenliği Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Din, Religion, Sosyoloji