Yakıt pili yardımıyla bor bileşiklerinden güç üretiminin parametrik araştırılması ve termodinamik analizi
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ÖZET YAKIT PİLİ YARDIMIYLA BOR BİLEŞİKLERİNDEN GÜÇ ÜRETİMİNİN PARAMETRİK ARAŞTIRILMASI VE TERMODİNAMİK ANALİZİ AY, Murat Niğde Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Makina Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı Danışman: Doç. Dr. Adnan MİDİLLİ Temmuz 2005, 48 sayfa Bu tez çalışmasında, bor bileşiklerinden hidrojen üretiminin parametrik araştırılması ve PEM yakıt pili yardımıyla güç üretiminin termodinamik analizi çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla, sodyum tetraborat {NCİ2B4O7) bozunum reaksiyonundan sentezlenen sodyum borhidritin (NaBH4) kullanılmasıyla hidrojen üretimi parametrik olarak çalışılmış, elde edilen bu hidrojenin PEM yakıt pilinde kullanılmasıyla güç üretimi incelenmiş ve PEM yakıt pilinin enerji ve ekserji analizleri yapılmıştır. Bu kapsamda, 450-500 °C'de hidrojen atmosferinde gerçekleşen N0.2B4O7 bozunum reaksiyonu ile 25-40 °C ve İ atm'de gerçekleşen NaBHj bozunum reaksiyonu dikkate alınmıştır. Bunun yanında, PEM yakıt pili çalışma sıcaklığı, basıncı ve membran kalınlığı farklı değer aralıklarında seçilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; hidrojen üretim hızının, NC1BH4 bozunum reaksiyonu sıcaklığı ve katalizör miktarının artması ile arttığı parametrik olarak belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, yakıt pili sıcaklığı ve basıncının atması ve membran kalınlığının daha düşük olması durumunda PEM yakıt pilinin performansının arttığı görülmüştür. Anahtar kelimeler: Sodyum Tetraborat, Sodyum Borhidrit, Hidrojen, PEM Yakıt Pili, Termodinamik Analiz, Enerji Analizi, Ekserji Analizi. III
SUMMARY PARAMETRIC INVESTIGATION AND THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF POWER GENERATION FROM BORON COMPOUNDS VIA FUEL CELL AY, Murat Nigde University Institute of Natural Sciences and Application Mechanical Engineering Department Supervisor: Associate Prof. Dr. Adnan MİDİLLİ Jul)- 2005, 48 pages In this thesis, parametric investigation of hydrogen production from boron compounds and also thermodynamic analysis of power generation via PEM fuel cell were studied. For this purpose, hydrogen production from sodium borohydride (NaBHj) which is synthesized from sodium tetraborate (NCI2B4O7) decomposition reaction is parametrically studied, and powrer generation via PEM fuel cell, which is fed by- hydrogen from NC1BH4 is parametrically investigated, and also, energy and exergy analyses of power generation process are performed. In this regard, Na2B407 decomposition reaction under hydrogen atmosphere at 450-500 °C and NaBH4 decomposition reaction under atmospheric pressure at 25-40 °C are taken into consideration. In addition, different values of operating temperature, pressure and membrane thickness for PEM fuel cell are chosen. Consequently, it was parametrically determined that the hydrogen production rate increased with the rise of NaBH4 decomposition reaction temperature and catalyst quantity. Moreover, it was noticed that the PEM fuel cell performance increased with the rise of cell temperature and pressure in case of the lower membrane thickness. Keywords: Sodium Tetraborat, Sodium Borohydride, Hydrogen, PEM Fuel Cell, Thermodynamic Analysis, Energy Analysis, Exergy Analysis.
SUMMARY PARAMETRIC INVESTIGATION AND THERMODYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF POWER GENERATION FROM BORON COMPOUNDS VIA FUEL CELL AY, Murat Nigde University Institute of Natural Sciences and Application Mechanical Engineering Department Supervisor: Associate Prof. Dr. Adnan MİDİLLİ Jul)- 2005, 48 pages In this thesis, parametric investigation of hydrogen production from boron compounds and also thermodynamic analysis of power generation via PEM fuel cell were studied. For this purpose, hydrogen production from sodium borohydride (NaBHj) which is synthesized from sodium tetraborate (NCI2B4O7) decomposition reaction is parametrically studied, and powrer generation via PEM fuel cell, which is fed by- hydrogen from NC1BH4 is parametrically investigated, and also, energy and exergy analyses of power generation process are performed. In this regard, Na2B407 decomposition reaction under hydrogen atmosphere at 450-500 °C and NaBH4 decomposition reaction under atmospheric pressure at 25-40 °C are taken into consideration. In addition, different values of operating temperature, pressure and membrane thickness for PEM fuel cell are chosen. Consequently, it was parametrically determined that the hydrogen production rate increased with the rise of NaBH4 decomposition reaction temperature and catalyst quantity. Moreover, it was noticed that the PEM fuel cell performance increased with the rise of cell temperature and pressure in case of the lower membrane thickness. Keywords: Sodium Tetraborat, Sodium Borohydride, Hydrogen, PEM Fuel Cell, Thermodynamic Analysis, Energy Analysis, Exergy Analysis.
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı
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Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering