dc.contributor.authorSercan Demirgüneş
dc.departmentNiğde ÖHÜ
dc.description.abstractKiplik, görünüş ve dilsel zaman, günümüz çalışmalarında dil uzmanları tarafından sıklıkla incelenen eylem ulamlarıdır. Bu ulamlardan dilsel zaman Türkçe dilbilgisi kitaplarında sıklıkla işlenirken, kiplik ulamı kısmen, görünüş ulamı ise neredeyse yok denecek kadar az işlenmektedir. Türkçe dışındaki alanyazındaki pek çok araştırmada, her ne kadar, üç ulam için ayrı ayrı dilsel sınıflamalar yapılsa da, yapılan sınıflamalarda üç ulam birbirinden ayrı düşünülmemektedir. Dilsel zaman için, hemen hemen bütün dillerde ortak olan geçmiş, şimdi ve gelecek ayrımı bulunmaktadır. Görünüşsel sınıflamalar ise, daha çok eyleme ilişkin zıtlıklar (bitmişlik/bitmemişlik... vb.) üzerine kuruludur. Kip, eylemin tarzı olarak tanımlanırken; kiplik, kipin dilbilgisel kodlanışıdır ve her kipin dilde bir kipliği bulunmayabilir. Bu üç ulama ilişkin alanyazındaki mevcut betimlemelerin yeterince bulunmayışı, Türkçe dersi öğretim sürecine ve Türkçe ders kitaplarına da aynen yansımıştır. Dilsel zaman, ders kitaplarında (geçmiş, şimdi, gelecek ve geniş) işlenmişken; görünüş ulamına ilişkin bilgiye yer verilmemiştir. Kiplik ulamı ise, ele alınış biçimiyle, alanyazındaki betimlemelerle kısmen farklılıklar gösterir. Türkçenin bu üç ulamına ilişkin alanyazındaki betimlemeler ve sınıflamalar ile Türkçe dersi öğretim sürecindeki betimlemeler/sınıflamalar arasında belirgin farklar vardır. Bu farkın giderilmesi adına, alanyazındaki sınıflamalara benzer ya da bu sınıflamalar ışığında kurgulanan uzlaşılmış yeni bir sınıflamaya gereksinim vardır. Bu gereksinim doğal süreçte Türkçe dersi öğretim süreçlerine ve ders kitaplarına yansıtılmalıdır. Bu çalışmada alanyazındaki kiplik, görünüş ve dilsel zaman betimlemeleri, Türkçe ders kitaplarındaki bilgilerle karşılaştırılmış ve yeni bir sınıflamaya ihtiyaç olduğu varsayımına dayanarak, bir sınıflama önerisi ortaya konmuştur
dc.description.abstractModality, aspect and tense are the verbal categories analysed frequently by the linguists in current studies. Although the tense in these categories analysed typically, modality is randomly studied, the aspect is not enough studied. In many studies outside the Turkish literature, although there are classifications made on these three categories for each one, the categories are not considered seperately, in these classifications. For tense, there is a taxonomy of past, present and future which is common in almost all languages. Aspectual classifications are based mostly on the contradictions between “perfect/imperfect”. Although the mood is depicted as the manner of verb, modality is the form of mood in grammar. The lack of descriptions about these three categories in literature is reflected to the Turkish course books and the process of Turkish education exactly. Tense is processed in Turkish course books (as past, present, future and aorist), but the aspect is never processed. And the modality as described in the literature is processed differently in Turkish course books. There are significant differences between the descriptions / classifications of these three categories and the descriptions / classifications in the teaching process of Turkish and Turkish course books. For overcoming these differences, a new and a compatible classification constructed on the base of classifications in the literature is required. And then, these requirements have to be reflected to the Turkish lessons and Turkish course books. In this study, the descriptions on modality, aspect and tense in the literature and the informations about these categories in Turkish course books is compared and a new classification is introduced on the base of the assumption of the requirement of a classification Categories of aspect and tenses, especially in Turkish traditional grammar, appear as two categories of verbs that are confused with each other. As a result of this confusion, either these two categories are not accepted in grammar or by handling one of the two categories, the two categories are handled in the same category, the category which is usually handled is the category of tense. Experts prefer to handle the category of aspect within the category of tense. The category of aspect is rarely found in Turkish grammar books. There is no information in the grammar books of Ergin (1981), Gencan (2001), Bozkurt (2004) and Ediskun (2005) regarding the category of aspect. However, long before the related studies (although they are far from some of their present definitions and descriptions) they were mentioned in Gencan (2001) and Dilaçar (1971). Tenses, however, have been processed in almost all Turkish grammar books with some name changes. On the whole of the studies, a classification similar to the following might be encountered:Tenses are divided into two; Indicative and Subjunctive Moods. Indicative moods are divided into five among themselves; simple past tense,past perfect tense, present continious tense and future tenses. As well as in traditional grammatical studies; in modern grammar / linguistics, these two categories are often at the top of the subjects handled. In verb inflection modality, aspect and tenses are described as separate categories. In order to handle the meaning of the aspect; it is useful to explain the three classifications in this area (Johanson 1971, 2000; Smith 1997; Comrie 1976, 1985) In Johanson, the category of aspect occurs by adding inflectional suffixes to verbal roots in natural languages and in natural languages there are three contrasts in aspect from a typological point of view; Postterminality, intraterminality, and adterminality. The aspect of postterminality reflects the later stage of the event from its ending point. The aspect of Intraterminality refers to the intermediate boundery in which the event occurs, without referring to the ending points of the event, showing the event declared by the action as unfinished. The adterminality aspect reflects the access to the finished ending point of the event. Altough these categories do not match up with each other, they are similar to the perfect / imperfect aspect categories which have been known apparently and that were mentioned in Comrie's aspect theory (Demirgüneş, 2007: 37-39). According to Comrie (1976), the contrast of aspect in the world languages unlike Johanson is based on perfective aspect (consequential perfection, experiential perfection, ongoing perfection, recent perfection) and imperfective aspect (Comrie 1976: 25). Smith (1997) places importance on the relationship of the aspect and the tense. Smith's theory of aspect is based on the contrast of the situation type aspect and the view point aspect. The term mood used in textbooks appears with another expression in literatue; "The mood is a quality evaluation of the relationship between the subject and the movement from the viewpoint of the person who speaks or is a grammatical category of the verbal mood which takes the will of the speaker’s on the fulfillment or nonfulfillment of this relationship as a subject. In other words, the content of the mood is the evaluation of the relationship between the movement and the reality by the person who speaks. (See Vinongradov, 1947: 581, retrieved from: Sçerbak, 2016: 53). Request, requirement, necessity, relevance and imperative ... etc. are mood conditions. (see Şçerbak, 2016: 53-56). Mood reflects the subjectivities of the producer about all kinds of style, form of implementation, the process of fulfillment/ nonfulfillment. If these features are coded grammatically, it is possible to talk about the modality. In the Turkish textbooks of 6th and 8th grades, there is no further information available regarding aspect. Tenses are handled in the 7th grade and the simple / compound inflections are processed at the same class level. Here, the moods are examined in two ways (The indicative mood-subjunctive mood) the subjunctive moods are processed separately, besides this the compound inflection of the verbs are also presented. In teaching grammar or any teaching and learning knowledge, first of all the students who are in the position of recipient must be convinced, that this is only possible if the knowledge overlaps with the reality. When the literature outside the Turkish language is examined concerning the Turkish grammar, we come across the aspectual classifications in which Turkish language is also included. In spite of this, the relevant category has not been processed enough in Turkish literature.Therefore, the relevant verb categories have not been installed to the processes of the education and training of Turkish lesson. Aspect is a grammatical category that gives information about the various views/processes of the verb that takes place in verb inflections. With this definition here, in order to determine the ‘various aspects’, it is required that the existing modal, aspectual and temporal systems which are primarily appropriate to the pragmatics and typological base of Turkish should settle into Turkish grammar. This requirement, concerning the referred categories of grammar education will provide revealing a more teachable and persuasive classification by settling in the education and training process of Turkish lesson concomitantly.
dc.institutionauthorSercan Demirgüneş
dc.relation.ispartofTurkish Studies (Elektronik)
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanı
dc.subjectSosyal Bilimler
dc.subjectDisiplinler Arası
