Vergi Bilincinin Zedelenmesinde Devlet Faktörü
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Günümüz itibariyle öncelikli görevi toplum- sal refahı artırmak olan devlet, bu görevini ye- rine getirebilmek adına kamu gelirlerine ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Kamu gelirleri içerisinde ise vergiler önemli bir yere sahiptir. Devlet tarafından zorun- luluk esasına dayalı olarak tahsis edilen vergiler, kimi zaman bireylerin vergi kaçırma ve vergiden kaçınmaları şeklinde kimi zaman ise devletin uy- gulamış olduğu ve kanunilik esasını zedelemeyen uygulamalarından dolayı azalmaktadır. Bireylerin vergiden kaçınmaları ve vergi kaçırmaları gayri ahlaki uygulamalar olarak kabul edilirken, devletin yapmış olduğu düzenlemeler ahlaki uygulamalar olarak nitelendirilebilmektedir. Bu ahlaki düzenle- meler zaman içerisinde bulaşıcı bir hastalık eda- sına bürünerek vergi bilincine sahip mükelleflere de bulaşabilmekte ve vergi gelirlerinin azalmasına neden olabilmektedir. Özellikle uzlaşma ve vergi afları bu düzenlemelerin başında gelmekte olup, vergi yargısının ağır iş yükü ve vergi denetimle- rinin yetersizliği de devlet tarafından bilinen ve kontrol altına alınamayan faktörler olarak vergi bilincinin zedelenmesine sebebiyet vermektedir
As of today, the priority task is to increase the social welfare state, public revenues in order to fulfil this task.Among public revenue tax has an important place. By the State must be allocated on the basis of taxes, in the form of tax evasi- on and tax avoidance that sometimes individuals sometimes have applied the state and because of the legality principle of non-damaging practi- ce is diminishing. Tax evasion and tax avoidan- ce by individuals who are regarded as unethical practices, arrangements have been made by the government can be considered ethical practices. This moral regulations can be transmitted to a contagious disease ventures to tax payers with the mien of consciousness over time and may lead to a reduction in income tax. In particular, tax reconciliation and forgiveness are at the top of these regulations, the lack of the heavy workload of tax jurisdiction and tax audits also gives rise to loose consciousness tax as factors that can not be known and taken under control by the state.
As of today, the priority task is to increase the social welfare state, public revenues in order to fulfil this task.Among public revenue tax has an important place. By the State must be allocated on the basis of taxes, in the form of tax evasi- on and tax avoidance that sometimes individuals sometimes have applied the state and because of the legality principle of non-damaging practi- ce is diminishing. Tax evasion and tax avoidan- ce by individuals who are regarded as unethical practices, arrangements have been made by the government can be considered ethical practices. This moral regulations can be transmitted to a contagious disease ventures to tax payers with the mien of consciousness over time and may lead to a reduction in income tax. In particular, tax reconciliation and forgiveness are at the top of these regulations, the lack of the heavy workload of tax jurisdiction and tax audits also gives rise to loose consciousness tax as factors that can not be known and taken under control by the state.
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