Heterodera schachtii (Schmidt 1871)'nin Niğde ili şeker pancarı ve lahana üretim alanlarındaki durumu ve popülasyon dalgalanması ile dayanıklı çeşitlerin belirlenmesi
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Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Niğde ilinde lahana (Brassica oleracea) ve şeker pancarı (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera) üretimi yoğun olarak yapılmaktadır. Şeker pancarı kist nematodu (Heterodera schachtii) şeker pancarı ve lahana üretimini önemli ölçüde etkilemektedir. Bu tez çalışması, 2021-2023 yılları arasında Niğde ilinde lahana ve şeker pancarı ekim alanlarından yapılmış, şeker pancarından 104, lahanadan 100 toprak örneği alınmıştır. Örnekleme yapılan yetiştiricilik alanlarından elde edilen H. schachtii'ye ait kistleri morfolojik ve moleküler düzeyde teşhis edilmiştir. Örnekleme yapılan alanlar içerisinde kist yoğunluğu fazla olan iki tarlada popülasyon takibi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca kontrollü koşullarda, H. schachtii'nin bir dölündeki yaşam döngüsü araştırılmıştir. Lahanadan 10 çeşit, şeker pancarından 27 çeşit/genotip seçilerek çeşit reaksiyonları belirlenmiştir. Niğde ilinde örnekleme yapılan şeker pancarı ve lahana üretim alanlarının sırasıyla, %40 ve 41' nin H. schachtii ile bulaşık olduğu; söz konusu alanlarda ortalama kist yoğunluğunun sırasıyla 38 adet/250 gr toprak ve 146 adet/250 gr toprak olarak belirlenmiştir. Örnekleme yapılan alanlara ait her popülasyon için 12 numune seçilerek, ITS-rDNA ve COI-mtDNA gen bölgeleri çoğaltılarak elde edilen sekans dizilimlerinden tür teşhisleri yapılmış ve filogenetik ilişkisi belirlenmiştir. Örnekleme yapılan lahana ve şeker pancarı alanlarında H. schachtii'nin popülasyon takiplerinde, toprakta bulunan kist sayılarının en yüksek olduğu aylar Ekim ve Kasım en düşük olduğu aylar ise Mart ve Nisan ayları olarak belirlenmiştir. Toprakta bulunan 2. dönem juvenillerin (J2) sayılarının en yüksek olduğu ay Mart, en düşük olduğu ay ise Kasım ayı olarak gözlemlenmiştir. Popülasyon takibi esnasında alınan kistlerin her ay kesilerek içlerinde bulunan J2'lerin sayımı sonrasında J2 ve yumurta sayılarının en yüksek olduğu ay Kasım en düşük olduğu aylar ise Mart ve Nisan ayları olarak belirlenmiştir. Heterodera schachtii'nin yaşam döngüsünün belirlenmesi ile ilgili çalışmada, köke J2 olarak giren bireylerin üçüncü dönem de (J3) şişkinleşip kökü yararak çıkış yaptığı ve dördüncü döneme (J4) geçtiği görülmüştür. Konukçu reaksiyonu çalışmalarında, 10 lahana çeşidinde ve 27 şeker pancarın çeşidinde H. schachtii'ye karşı dayanıklılık gösteren herhangi bir çeşide rastlanılmamıştır. Lahana çeşitlerinden Sazlıca ve Balsarma çeşitlerinin H. schachtii'ye orta derecede tolerant olduğu bulunurken; diğer çeşitlerin ise yüksek derecede tolerant olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Şeker pancarı çeşit/genotipleri arasında, Vienetta ve ERÜ 180 yüksek tolerant, Regesta, ERÜ 250 ve ERÜ 148 orta tolerant, Turbata ve ERÜ 144 ise hassas çeşit/genotipler olarak değerlendirilirken; diğer yirmi çeşit yüksek derecede tolerant çeşit olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda ilçede yoğun olarak tespit edilen H. schachtii'nin popülasyon yoğunluğunu azaltmak için, bölge çiftçisine ekim nöbeti ile tolerant çeşitlerin kullanılması gerektiği önerilmektedir.
Niğde province is known to be a major producer of cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera) in Türkiye and both crops are severely infested by the sugar beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii). This study examined 104 soil samples from sugar beet and 100 soil samples from cabbage cultivation areas in Niğde province between 2021 and 2023. Cysts of H. schachtii collected from sampling sites were identified morphologically and molecularly and population fluctuation studies were conducted in two fields with high cyst nematode densities. Under controlled conditions, the life cycle of H. schachtii in one generation was followed. The susceptibility reaction of 10 cabbage varieties and 27 sugar beet varieties/genotypes to H. schachtii were screened. It was found that 40% and 41% of the sugar beet and cabbage production areas sampled in Niğde province were infected with H. schachtii, respectively. The average cyst densities in these areas were determined to be 38 cysts/250 g of soil and 146 cysts/250 g of soil, respectively. For each population from the sampled areas, 12 samples were selected and species identification was carried out based on amplification and sequencing of the ITS-rDNA and COI-mtDNA gene regions and their phylogenetic relationships were determined. The highest number of cysts in the soil samples was observed in October and November, while the lowest number was observed in March and April. The number of second-stage juveniles (J2) in the soil was highest in March and lowest in November. Cysts were cut open, and the number of J2s and eggs were recorded based on a monthly interval; monthly population tracking showed that the highest numbers were in November, while the lowest were in March and April. During the study of H. schachtii's life cycle was observed individual nematode juveniles enter the roots as J2s, exit the root as third-stage juveniles (J3), and then develop into the fourth-stage juveniles (J4). During the host-susceptibility reaction studies, there is no species among the 10 cabbage varieties and 27 sugar beet varieties/genotypes were found to be resistant to H. schachtii. While Sazlıca and Balsarma cabbage varieties were found to be moderately tolerant to H. schachtii, other varieties were determined to be highly tolerant. Among the sugar beet varieties/genotypes, Vienetta and ERÜ 180 were highly tolerant. While Regesta, ERÜ 250, and ERÜ 148 were found to be moderately tolerant and Turbata and ERÜ 144 were susceptible. The other twenty varieties were identified as highly tolerant. The study suggests that local farmers should use tolerant varieties and practice crop rotation to reduce the population density of H. schachtii, which is widely infested in the province.
Niğde province is known to be a major producer of cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera) in Türkiye and both crops are severely infested by the sugar beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii). This study examined 104 soil samples from sugar beet and 100 soil samples from cabbage cultivation areas in Niğde province between 2021 and 2023. Cysts of H. schachtii collected from sampling sites were identified morphologically and molecularly and population fluctuation studies were conducted in two fields with high cyst nematode densities. Under controlled conditions, the life cycle of H. schachtii in one generation was followed. The susceptibility reaction of 10 cabbage varieties and 27 sugar beet varieties/genotypes to H. schachtii were screened. It was found that 40% and 41% of the sugar beet and cabbage production areas sampled in Niğde province were infected with H. schachtii, respectively. The average cyst densities in these areas were determined to be 38 cysts/250 g of soil and 146 cysts/250 g of soil, respectively. For each population from the sampled areas, 12 samples were selected and species identification was carried out based on amplification and sequencing of the ITS-rDNA and COI-mtDNA gene regions and their phylogenetic relationships were determined. The highest number of cysts in the soil samples was observed in October and November, while the lowest number was observed in March and April. The number of second-stage juveniles (J2) in the soil was highest in March and lowest in November. Cysts were cut open, and the number of J2s and eggs were recorded based on a monthly interval; monthly population tracking showed that the highest numbers were in November, while the lowest were in March and April. During the study of H. schachtii's life cycle was observed individual nematode juveniles enter the roots as J2s, exit the root as third-stage juveniles (J3), and then develop into the fourth-stage juveniles (J4). During the host-susceptibility reaction studies, there is no species among the 10 cabbage varieties and 27 sugar beet varieties/genotypes were found to be resistant to H. schachtii. While Sazlıca and Balsarma cabbage varieties were found to be moderately tolerant to H. schachtii, other varieties were determined to be highly tolerant. Among the sugar beet varieties/genotypes, Vienetta and ERÜ 180 were highly tolerant. While Regesta, ERÜ 250, and ERÜ 148 were found to be moderately tolerant and Turbata and ERÜ 144 were susceptible. The other twenty varieties were identified as highly tolerant. The study suggests that local farmers should use tolerant varieties and practice crop rotation to reduce the population density of H. schachtii, which is widely infested in the province.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bitki Koruma Ana Bilim Dalı, Bitki Koruma Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture