9. Niğde şer'iyye sicil defteri transkripsiyon ve değerlendirme (235-282 sayfalar) (H.1308 / M.1891)
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Niğde Üniversitesi
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ÖZET 9 Numaralı Niğde Şer'iyye Sicil Defteri 'nin Transkripsiyonunu yaptığımız kısım H. 1308 -1309 (M.1891-1892) tarihleri arasını kapsamaktadır. Bu tarihler arası Niğde Sancağı 'nm Şer'i Mahkemesine intikal eden çeşitli davalarla ilgili olarak Kadı'nın kararları, herhangi bir hadisenin, şehadetin, bir ikrarın, bir hibenin, resmiyete bağlanması istenen bir hususun müracaat üzerine Kadı tarafından yapılan kayıtları ihtiva eden i'lam ve hüccetlerden meydana gelmektedir. 9 Numaralı Niğde Şer'iyye Sicil Defterinde incelediğimiz belgeler milliyetlere göre değerlendirilmiştir.Bu davaların tasnifleri ise şu şekildedir; etnik yapıya göre tasnifi, Müslümanlarla ilgili davalar, Rumlarla ilgili davalar, Ermenilerle ilgili davalar, Protestanlarla ilgili davalar. Gayri müslimlerin dava sayıları Müslümanlara oranla daha fazladır. Bu gay-ri müslim tebaa içinde ise en fazla dava sayısı Rum milletine aittir. Konu itibariyle ise ağırlıkta olan davalar, miras paylaşımı ile vekalettir.
ABSTRACT This study which translated the 9Ul Niğde's Judical Report Notebook consists of the years between. 1891 -AD and 1892. Throught out the years given about, the decision of judgements about several cases which were sent to Niğde City is Religious Court, made up any events, any application, any situation which was reguised to register oflîcally, which the judge registered as court documents. The 9th Niğde Judical Report Notebook considers the document we studied according to their nations. The classification of the cases are as follows: according to their nations,cases about muslims,cases about Greeks, cases about Armenians,cases about Protestans. As it is pointed, non - muslims cases are more than mushms when compared to Among non - muslims the most cases are up to Greek. According to the subject of the cases, Average Cases are about sharing inheritance and power to act for or repres.
ABSTRACT This study which translated the 9Ul Niğde's Judical Report Notebook consists of the years between. 1891 -AD and 1892. Throught out the years given about, the decision of judgements about several cases which were sent to Niğde City is Religious Court, made up any events, any application, any situation which was reguised to register oflîcally, which the judge registered as court documents. The 9th Niğde Judical Report Notebook considers the document we studied according to their nations. The classification of the cases are as follows: according to their nations,cases about muslims,cases about Greeks, cases about Armenians,cases about Protestans. As it is pointed, non - muslims cases are more than mushms when compared to Among non - muslims the most cases are up to Greek. According to the subject of the cases, Average Cases are about sharing inheritance and power to act for or repres.
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yakınçağ Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı
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Tarih, History