Qıylı Zaman romanı örneğinde geçiş dönemi Kazakçası
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Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Türk lehçelerinin Kıpçak grubunda yer alan Kazak Türkçesi XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren yazı dili olarak kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Ancak bu yazı dili, üzerinden uzun bir zaman geçmesine standardını yakalayamamıştır. Bunun pek çok geçerli sebebi vardır. Söz konusu dilin çok geniş bir coğrafyada kullanılması, bu dilin konuşulduğu bölgede uzun yıllar başka bir dilin egemen olması, birkaç farklı alfabe ile kaydedilmek zorunda kalması gibi durumlar geçerli sebeplerden bazılarıdır. Kazak Türkçesinin yazımı ve imlası ile ilgili belirsizlik, yazı dili olma sürecinin başından beri hep olmuştur. 1928 yılında yayımlanan Qıylı Zaman romanı, bu belirsizliğin olduğu dönemin ürünüdür. Baytursınulı tarafından 1927 yılında son şeklini verdiği Arap kökenli Kazak alfabesiyle yazılmış olan eser, dil ve üslup yönünden geçiş dönemi özellikleri barındırdırmaktadır. Muhtar Ävezov tarafından kaleme alınan roman, Kazakistan'da yaşanan 1916 yılı olaylarını anlatmaktadır. Bizzat yazarın şahit olduğu olaylar bölgenin ağız özellikleri ve söz varlığıyla okuyucuya aktarılmıştır. Çalışma giriş, ses bilgisi, şekil bilgisi ve cümle bilgisi bölümlerinden oluşmaktadır. Bu bölümlerden sonra metin, dizin ve sonuç bölümleri eklenmiştir. Arap harfleriyle yazılmış olan eser, Latin harflerine aktarılmış ve çalışmanın sonuna eklenmiştir.
Kazakh Turkish (Language), as one of the Turkish dialects belongs to Kipchak group was utilized as written language from the second half of the XIXth century. However, this written language is a fixed, established and incomplete written language despite the long period of time. There are many valid reasons for this. Some of the valid reasons are that the language in that topic is utilized in a very wide area, the region where this language is spoken has been colononialness by another language for many years, and that it has to be recorded with several different alphabets. There have always been and still are debates about the orthography and spelling of Kazakh Turkish. The novel Qıylı Zaman which published in 1928, is the product of the period when these debates were most actual. The study which was written in the Kazakh-Arabic alphabet and prepared by Baytursunulı in 1927, has transition period characteristics in terms of language and style. The novel, written by Muhtar Ävezov, tells about the events of 1916 in Kazakhstan. The events that the author personally witnessed were conveyed to the reader with the dialect characteristics and vocabulary of the region. The study consists of introduction, phonics, morphology and clasual sections. After these sections, text, index and conclusion sections were added. The work, which was written in Arabic letters, was translated into Latin letters and added as an appendix to the end of the work.
Kazakh Turkish (Language), as one of the Turkish dialects belongs to Kipchak group was utilized as written language from the second half of the XIXth century. However, this written language is a fixed, established and incomplete written language despite the long period of time. There are many valid reasons for this. Some of the valid reasons are that the language in that topic is utilized in a very wide area, the region where this language is spoken has been colononialness by another language for many years, and that it has to be recorded with several different alphabets. There have always been and still are debates about the orthography and spelling of Kazakh Turkish. The novel Qıylı Zaman which published in 1928, is the product of the period when these debates were most actual. The study which was written in the Kazakh-Arabic alphabet and prepared by Baytursunulı in 1927, has transition period characteristics in terms of language and style. The novel, written by Muhtar Ävezov, tells about the events of 1916 in Kazakhstan. The events that the author personally witnessed were conveyed to the reader with the dialect characteristics and vocabulary of the region. The study consists of introduction, phonics, morphology and clasual sections. After these sections, text, index and conclusion sections were added. The work, which was written in Arabic letters, was translated into Latin letters and added as an appendix to the end of the work.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature