Türkiye Rusya ilişkileri (1918-1923)
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Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi
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Türk-Sovyet ilişkilerinin kendine has özellikleri vardı. Asıl olanı Birinci Dünya Savaşı'ndan sonra Osmanlı İmparatorluğu fiilen varlığının sona erdirmekteydi. Rus Çarlığının yerine gelen yeni devrimci hükümeti, Türkiye dâhil Asya devletleriyle dostane ilişkiler kurmaya çalışmaktaydı. 30 Ekim 1918 Mondros Mütarekesi ve 10 Ağustos 1920 Sevr Antlaşmasından Osmanlı toprakları İtilaf Devletleri tarafından işgal edilmişti. Bu koşullar altında General Mustafa Kemal Paşa liderliğindeki yeni Türk hükümeti, ulusal bağımsızlık için mücadele etme hedefini belirlemişti. 1917 Ekim devriminden sonra Sovyet Hükümetine bağlı Kızılorduya karşıtlarının Beyazordusu arasında iç savaşı başlamıştı. İtilaflar Beyazlara maddi, silah ve asker yardımında bulunarak Rusya'nın iç savaşına müdahale etmekteydi. İtlaf Devletlerinin düşmanlığı iki hükümeti bir araya getirmişti. RSFSR hükümetinin Anadolu'daki Millî Mücadeleyi destekleyerek birinciden, "Barış kararnamesi, Çalışan ve Sömürülen Halkların hakları deklarasyonu" ilan ederek, Türk İslam Devletleri ve Asya'daki Müslümanlarına Bolşevizm'i yayabilmeyi maksat etmişti. İkinciden, Sovyet Hükümeti Türkiye'ni ekonomik çıkarlarından yararlanmak. Üçüncüden, Güney Kafkasya'da (Azerbaycan, Ermenistan ve Gürcistan) Sovyet iktidarlarının kurulması planı. Böylece Ruslar tarafından TBMM hükümetine yardım sağlamanın diplomatik mantıksal anlamları vardı. Sovyet dış politikası, bir yandan dünya devrimine doğru bir yönü tutmak, diğer yandan ise yeni ortaya çıkan sistemin varlığının devamı sağlanmasına yönelikti. TBMM hükümeti açısından, Ankara hükümeti dışarıdan destek alma ihtiyacını duymaktaydı. Ankara hükümeti bir yandan Millî Mücadele için maddi, askerî teçhizat ve silah mühimmatları desteği istemektedir, diğer yandan da diplomatik desteğe ihtiyacı vardı. TBMM hükümeti ile RSFSC hükümeti arasında 26 Şubat 1921'de Moskova'da başlayan müzakereler, 16 Marta 1921'de "dostluk ve kardeşlik" üzerine bir anlaşma imzalanması ile sona ermişti. İki hükümet arasında yapılan anlaşma, yüzyıllardır devam eden Türkiye ve Rusya arasındaki Kafkasya sorunlarının çözümünü bulmaktaydı.
Turkish-Soviet relations had their own characteristics. The main thing is that after the First World War, the Ottoman Empire was practically ending its existence. The new revolutionary government that replaced the Russian Tsardom was trying to establish friendly relations with Asian states, including Türkiye. Ottoman lands were occupied by the Allied Powers following the Armistice of Mudros on 30 October 1918 and the Treaty of Sevres on 10 August 1920. Under these conditions, the new Turkish government, led by General Mustafa Kemal Pasha, set the goal of fighting for national independence. After the October revolution of 1917, a civil war broke out between the White Army and the opponents of the Red Army, affiliated with the Soviet government. The Allies were intervening in Russia's civil war by providing material, weapon and military aid to the Whites. The hostility of the Allied Powers brought the two governments together. By supporting the War of Independence in Anatolia, the RSFSR government firstly aimed to spread Bolshevism to the Turkish-Islamic States and Muslims in Asia by declaring the "Peace Decree, Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited Peoples". Secondly, to benefit from the Soviet government's economic interests in Turkey. Thirdly, the plan to establish Soviet governments in the South Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia). Thus, providing assistance to the Turkish Grand National Assembly government by the Russians had diplomatic logical implications. Soviet foreign policy was aimed, on the one hand, at maintaining a direction towards world revolution (), and on the other hand, at ensuring the continued existence of the newly emerging system. From the perspective of the Turkish Grand National Assembly government, the Ankara government felt the need to get external support. On the one hand, the Ankara government wanted material, military equipment and ammunition support for the War of Independence, and on the other hand, it needed diplomatic support. Negotiations that started between the Turkish Grand National Assembly government and the RSFSR government in Moscow on February 26, 1921, ended with the signing of an agreement on "friendship and brotherhood" on March 16, 1921. The agreement made between the two governments found a solution to the Caucasus problems between Türkiye and Russia that had been going on for centuries.
Turkish-Soviet relations had their own characteristics. The main thing is that after the First World War, the Ottoman Empire was practically ending its existence. The new revolutionary government that replaced the Russian Tsardom was trying to establish friendly relations with Asian states, including Türkiye. Ottoman lands were occupied by the Allied Powers following the Armistice of Mudros on 30 October 1918 and the Treaty of Sevres on 10 August 1920. Under these conditions, the new Turkish government, led by General Mustafa Kemal Pasha, set the goal of fighting for national independence. After the October revolution of 1917, a civil war broke out between the White Army and the opponents of the Red Army, affiliated with the Soviet government. The Allies were intervening in Russia's civil war by providing material, weapon and military aid to the Whites. The hostility of the Allied Powers brought the two governments together. By supporting the War of Independence in Anatolia, the RSFSR government firstly aimed to spread Bolshevism to the Turkish-Islamic States and Muslims in Asia by declaring the "Peace Decree, Declaration of the Rights of Working and Exploited Peoples". Secondly, to benefit from the Soviet government's economic interests in Turkey. Thirdly, the plan to establish Soviet governments in the South Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia). Thus, providing assistance to the Turkish Grand National Assembly government by the Russians had diplomatic logical implications. Soviet foreign policy was aimed, on the one hand, at maintaining a direction towards world revolution (), and on the other hand, at ensuring the continued existence of the newly emerging system. From the perspective of the Turkish Grand National Assembly government, the Ankara government felt the need to get external support. On the one hand, the Ankara government wanted material, military equipment and ammunition support for the War of Independence, and on the other hand, it needed diplomatic support. Negotiations that started between the Turkish Grand National Assembly government and the RSFSR government in Moscow on February 26, 1921, ended with the signing of an agreement on "friendship and brotherhood" on March 16, 1921. The agreement made between the two governments found a solution to the Caucasus problems between Türkiye and Russia that had been going on for centuries.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Tarih Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, History