Avram Galante'nin hayatı ve eserleri
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Avram Galante Bodrumlu: Eğitimci, Gazeteci, Pedagog, Filolog ve Milletvekili? Ancak özellikle Tarihçi? 1873 yılında ?Tarihin Babası? olarak bilinen Herodot gibi Bodrum'da doğmuştur. Galante'nin araştırmalarının ağırlık noktasını ?Türkiye Yahudileri Tarihi? oluşturmuştur. Bu konuda yerli - yabancı birçok kişinin ilk başvuru kaynağı olmuştur. Yazar, eserlerini metodik ve titiz bir çalışma sonucu yazmıştır. Türkçeden başka İngilizce, Almanca, Fransızca, İbranice, Arapça, Farsça, İspanyolca, Rumca ve Ermenice bilen Galante, belgeleri orijinallerinden okuyarak gerçek anlamlarını kavrayabilmiştir. Kendisini tamamen ilmi çalışmalara veren Galante hiç evlenmemiştir. Niğde milletvekilliğinden ayrıldığı 1946 yılından, vefat ettiği yıl olan 1961 yılına kadar Kınalı ada'daki evinde, tek başına, sessiz ve temiz bir yaşam sürmüştür. Son nefesine kadar araştırmalarına ve yazılarına devam etmiştir. Prof. Dr. Avram Galante Bodrumlunun biyografisi ve eserleri konusunda şimdiye kadar ciddi bir ilmi çalışmanın yapılmamış olması bizi bu konu üzerinde çalışmaya yöneltmiştir.Anahtar sözcükler: Abraham Galante, Niğde Milletvekilleri, Türkiye Yahudileri.
Avram (Abraham) Galante: Was an educator, a pedagogue , a philogue, a journalist, and a deputy. But especially he was a historian. Avram Galante was born in Bodrum in 1873 like Heredot who was known ?father of history?. Galante?s researches?s about at ?Turkish Jewish?s History?. This researches was his bibliography for national and international researchers every time. Author Galante was hard to please about his written works. He wrote his written works with amethodology. Galante was know a lot of language; Turkish, English, German, French, The Hebrew Language, Arabic, İranian, Spanish, Grek Language and Armenian language. İn this connection, he read the documents from origin. And he grasped the original documents?s real meanings. Or he had knowledge of their semantics. He never married because, he interested in scientific subjects. He seperated from deputy of Niğde in 1946. He died in 1961. He lived in his hause at Kınalıada until 1961. His life was alone, peaceful and honourable, in his island. He made researches and he wrote about his researches all of his life. Concerning Professor Dr. Avram Galante thre weren?t any investigation about his biography and his written works . For this reason , we directed to work at this area.Keywords: Abraham Galante, deputy of Niğde, Turkish Jewish.
Avram (Abraham) Galante: Was an educator, a pedagogue , a philogue, a journalist, and a deputy. But especially he was a historian. Avram Galante was born in Bodrum in 1873 like Heredot who was known ?father of history?. Galante?s researches?s about at ?Turkish Jewish?s History?. This researches was his bibliography for national and international researchers every time. Author Galante was hard to please about his written works. He wrote his written works with amethodology. Galante was know a lot of language; Turkish, English, German, French, The Hebrew Language, Arabic, İranian, Spanish, Grek Language and Armenian language. İn this connection, he read the documents from origin. And he grasped the original documents?s real meanings. Or he had knowledge of their semantics. He never married because, he interested in scientific subjects. He seperated from deputy of Niğde in 1946. He died in 1961. He lived in his hause at Kınalıada until 1961. His life was alone, peaceful and honourable, in his island. He made researches and he wrote about his researches all of his life. Concerning Professor Dr. Avram Galante thre weren?t any investigation about his biography and his written works . For this reason , we directed to work at this area.Keywords: Abraham Galante, deputy of Niğde, Turkish Jewish.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Tarih Bölümü, Tarih Ana Bilim Dalı, Yakınçağ Tarihi Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, History