Atatürk Dönemi sonrası Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nde meydana gelen darbeler
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29 Ekim 1923'te Cumhuriyet ilan edildikten sonra çok partili hayata geçişte 1924?1925 yıllarında Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Fırkası ile bir tecrübe yaşanmış ancak o dönemde çıkan Şeyh Sait isyanı bahane edilerek parti kapatılmış ve 1930 yılına kadar tek parti dönemi devam etmiştir. 1930 yılında Serbest Cumhuriyet Fırkası'nın kurulması ile tekrar çok partili hayata geçilmiş ancak rejim karşıtı kişilerin partiye girdiği bahane edilerek parti kapatılmış ve ülkede tekrar tek parti dönemine dönülmüştür.Mustafa Kemal Atatürk döneminde uygulanmaya çalışılan çok partili hayat başarısızlıkla sonuçlanmıştır, dünyadaki gelişmeler, özellikle Almanya ve İtalya'daki faşist yönetimlerin devrilmesi dünyada bir demokrasi dalgası oluşturmuştur. Türkiye'de bu demokratikleşme sürecine girerek ilk olarak 1945 yılında Milli Kalkınma Partisi ve ardından da Demokrat Parti'nin kurulması ile çok partili siyasi hayata tekrar geçilmiştir.1945 yılında geçilen çok partili hayatla ülkede uygulanmaya başlanan demokratik yaşam, bir demokrasi ayıbı olan 1960 Darbesi ile son bulmuştur. 1960 Askeri Darbesi Cumhuriyet tarihini ilk askeri darbesi olarak tarih kayıtlarına geçen çok önemli siyasi bir olaydır.Türkiye Cumhuriyeti 1960 yılında meydana gelen askeri darbe şokunu atlatamadan 1971 yılında bir Muhtıra ile demokratik yaşama tekrar ara vermek zorunda kalmıştır. 1961 Anayasası'nın getirdiği özgürlükçü ortamdan rahatsız olan kesimler bu muhtırayı gerçekleştirmiştir.Türkiye'de artık siyasi istikrar oluşturmak zor bir hal almıştır. 1971 yılından sonra düzen bir türlü sağlanamadı ve 1980 yılında ikinci bir askeri darbe ile demokrasi çok ağır bir yara almıştır. Türkiye bu darbe ve muhtıralarla çağın çok gerisinde kalmıştır.
After the rebuplic was established in 29th of October in 1924-1925 during the passing to multi- party system with Terakkiperver Rebublic Party there was an experience but party was closed as a result of Şeyh Said riot. Until 1930 single party era continued. In 1930 with the establishment of Free Rebublic Party multi - party era started again but this party was closed as a result of different cases and country turned back to the single party period.Multi party period which was tried to be applied during Mustafa Kemal term failed. Developments in the world especially the countries which were toppled such as Italy and Germany had a great effect on democracy. Turkey in the progress of democracy passed multi- party era firsty in 1945 with the establisment of National Devolopment Party and Democracy Party.The democratic life, started to be implemented in 1945 by the moving to multi-party life, ended by the 1960 military coup , which was a democracy shame.The military coup of 1960 is considered to be a very significant political event /recorded as the first military coup in the history of the republic/since it is the first military coup in the history of the republic.With the military coup which happened in 1960 Turkish Rebuclic interrupted democtatic life with the diplomatic note which happened in 1971.The people which were uneasy about the libertarian atmosphere because of 1961 constitutional charter implemented this diplomatic note.It was difficult to perform political stability from now on. After 1971 ordinance couldn?t be procured. And in 1980 with the second military coup democracy received severe injury .Turkey failed as a result of these military coups.
After the rebuplic was established in 29th of October in 1924-1925 during the passing to multi- party system with Terakkiperver Rebublic Party there was an experience but party was closed as a result of Şeyh Said riot. Until 1930 single party era continued. In 1930 with the establishment of Free Rebublic Party multi - party era started again but this party was closed as a result of different cases and country turned back to the single party period.Multi party period which was tried to be applied during Mustafa Kemal term failed. Developments in the world especially the countries which were toppled such as Italy and Germany had a great effect on democracy. Turkey in the progress of democracy passed multi- party era firsty in 1945 with the establisment of National Devolopment Party and Democracy Party.The democratic life, started to be implemented in 1945 by the moving to multi-party life, ended by the 1960 military coup , which was a democracy shame.The military coup of 1960 is considered to be a very significant political event /recorded as the first military coup in the history of the republic/since it is the first military coup in the history of the republic.With the military coup which happened in 1960 Turkish Rebuclic interrupted democtatic life with the diplomatic note which happened in 1971.The people which were uneasy about the libertarian atmosphere because of 1961 constitutional charter implemented this diplomatic note.It was difficult to perform political stability from now on. After 1971 ordinance couldn?t be procured. And in 1980 with the second military coup democracy received severe injury .Turkey failed as a result of these military coups.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İlköğretim Bölümü, İlköğretim Ana Bilim Dalı, Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenliği Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kamu Yönetimi, Public Administration, Siyasal Bilimler