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Niğde Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmada; yıldız milli ve amatör düzeyde erkek badmintoncuların bazı fiziksel, fizyolojik ve antropometrik parametrelerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Araştırmaya gönüllü 10 yıldız milli (yaş:11.20 ± 0.6) ve 10 amatör (yaş:11.80 ± 0.63) erkek badmintoncu olmak üzere 20 sporcu katıldı. İstatistiksel veriler SPSS paket programında Mann Whitney U testi ile değerlendirildi. Yıldız milli ile amatör sporcular arasında fiziksel ve fizyolojik testlerden 30, 60 m, zik-zak (4x10m), pençe kuvveti, dikey sıçrama ve reaksiyon zamanı testlerinden sağ, sol el ışık, sol el ve sol ayak ses testi parametreleri yönünden mili sporcular lehine anlamlı fark bulunmuştur. Milli sporcular ile amatör sporcular arasında yapılan antropometrik ölçümlerden vücut yağ oranı ile çevre ölçümlerinden karın çevresi ölçümlerinde milli sporcular lehine anlamlı fark tespit edilmiştir. Badminton milli ve amatör sporculara yapılan ölçümlerden omuz, göğüs, kalça, üst kol, üst ve alt bacak çevresi, otur uzan esnekliği, anaerobik güç, sağ el ve sağ ayak ses, sağ ve sol ayak ışık reaksiyon testleri arasında anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır. Sonuç olarak; araştırmada karşılaştırılan yıldız milli ve amatör sporcular arasındaki farkın nedeni, yıldız milli düzeyde sporcu olabilmek belli düzeyde fiziksel, fizyolojik ve antropometrik parametrelere sahip olmayı gerektirmektedir.
The aim of this study was the comparison of some physical, physiologic and anthropometric parameters of junior national and amateur level male badminton players. For volunteering purpose 20 sportsmen were participated 10 national Junior (age:11.20 ± 0.6) and 10 amateur (age:11.80 ± 0.63). The statistical analysis was evaluated by the use of SPSS package program containing Mann Whitney U test. The physical and physiological tests were done among national and amateur sportsmen, 30, 60 m, Zig-zag (4x10m), vertical jump and an important difference was found in the reaction time tests of right, left hand light, left hand ve left foot sound test parameters of the national sportsmen. As for the anthropometric measurements which were done between national and amateur sportsmen an important difference was determined in body fat rate with circumference measurement of waist measurement. The measurement were done the Badminton National and amateur sportsmen: An important difference was not found among shoulder, chest, hip, upper arm and leg, lower leg circumference, sit and reach flexibilty, anaerobic strength, right hand and right foot sound, right and left foot light reaction tests. As a result: In this research the comparison among the national junior and amateur sportsmen, it is seen that to be a national junior level sportsman it is neccesary to have a certain level of physical, physiological and anthropometric paramaters. …
The aim of this study was the comparison of some physical, physiologic and anthropometric parameters of junior national and amateur level male badminton players. For volunteering purpose 20 sportsmen were participated 10 national Junior (age:11.20 ± 0.6) and 10 amateur (age:11.80 ± 0.63). The statistical analysis was evaluated by the use of SPSS package program containing Mann Whitney U test. The physical and physiological tests were done among national and amateur sportsmen, 30, 60 m, Zig-zag (4x10m), vertical jump and an important difference was found in the reaction time tests of right, left hand light, left hand ve left foot sound test parameters of the national sportsmen. As for the anthropometric measurements which were done between national and amateur sportsmen an important difference was determined in body fat rate with circumference measurement of waist measurement. The measurement were done the Badminton National and amateur sportsmen: An important difference was not found among shoulder, chest, hip, upper arm and leg, lower leg circumference, sit and reach flexibilty, anaerobic strength, right hand and right foot sound, right and left foot light reaction tests. As a result: In this research the comparison among the national junior and amateur sportsmen, it is seen that to be a national junior level sportsman it is neccesary to have a certain level of physical, physiological and anthropometric paramaters. …
Anahtar Kelimeler
Badminton, Antropometri, Esneklik, Sürat, Reaksiyon, Pençe kuvveti, Anthropometri, Hand-grip strengh, Speed
Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2008, Cilt:3, Sayı:1, s.13-20