Azerbaycan dergisi üzreine bir inceleme (205-220)
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Azerbaycan Türklerinin sanatı, edebiyatı, tarihi gibi konularda genis bilgiler vermeyi amaç edinmis Azerbaycan dergisi, Azerbaycan Kültür Derneginin yayın organı olarak 01 Nisan 1952'de yayınlanmaya baslamıstır. Sovyet Rusya'nın Azerbaycan Türklerine yaptıgı mezalimi, iskenceleri, ölüm kamplarına gönderilmelerini, bagımsızlık ve istiklal ugruna verdigi mücadeleleri ögrenmek isteyen her okuyucuya kılavuz vazifesi görecek mahiyette olan derginin incelenmesine karar verilmistir Derginin ele alınan sayıları bes ana baslıkta incelenmistir. Birinci bölüme ?Azerbaycan'ın Kültür Hayatımızdaki Yeri? adı verilmistir. Bu bölümde derginin künyesi, sekil ve muhteva özellikleri, yazar kadrosu bulunmaktadır. kinci bölümde Azerbaycan Dergisinin içindekiler tablosu verilmistir. Üçüncü Bölüme ?nceleme? adı verilmistir Bu bölümde bulunan tüm yazıların bir dizini hazırlanmıstır. ncelenen yazılar yazar adlarına, konularına, türlerine göre sınıflandırılmıstır. Konularına göre sınıflandırılırken; Edebi Yazılar, Cografyayla ilgili Yazılar, Denek Faaliyetleriyle ilgili Yazılar, Siyasi ve Edebi Sahsiyetlerle lgili Yazılar, Elestiri Yazıları, Eser Tanıtımıyla lgili Yazılar, Gelenek Görgü ve Halk Bilimiyle lgili Yazılar, Haber Ortamları ve Gazetecilikle lgili Yazılar, Mimari, Tiyatro, Resim, Müzikle lgili Yazılar, Siyasi, Felsefi, Tarihi, Fikri yazılar, Siyasi Yazılar, Tarih Yazılar, Fikri Yazılar baslıkları altında inceleme yapılmıstır. Türlerine göre sınıflandırılırken; Makale: Siir(Lirik Siirler, Epik Siirler, Didaktik Siirler)Biyografi, Vecize, Türkü, Konferans Anılar, Hikâye, Mektup, Raporlar ve Bildiriler, Denemeler, Söylev, Hikâye Bibliyografyalar baslıklarına yer verilmistir Daha sonra Duyurular, Düzeltmeler, Taziyeler, Tebrikler, Tesekkürler, Fotograflar ve Resimler, Reklâmlar bir dizin halinde sıralanmıstır. Dördüncü bölüme ?Seçilmis Metinler? adı verilmistir. Bu bölümde Azerbaycan istiklal ve mücadelelerine ömürlerini vermis sahsiyetlerin makalelerinden, denemelerinden, siirlerinden örnekler alınmıs, yazarlarla ilgili biyografilere yer verilmistir. Besinci bölüm Sonuç olarak ele alınmıs, incelenen dergilerle ilgili degerlendirme yapılmıstır. Anahtar kelimeler: Azerbaycan Dergisi, Azerbaycan Kültür Dernegi.
The magazine Azerbaijen which aimed to give a wide information about the art,the literature ,the history of Azerbaijen Turks started to be published on 01.04.1952 as the publication organ of Azerbaijen Cultural Assocation. It has been dedicated to be searched that magazine which aimed to be a guide for each reader wants to learn the cruelty and violence which Russai made on Azerbaijen Turks,to be sent to death camps,the struggles of Turks want to be independent. The issue of the magazine have been studied in five main parts: The first part is called `?The place of Azerbaigjen in our cultural life?? in this part there have been the brief cirriculum vitue,thye feature of shape and content of the magazine. In the second part there is the table of contents. The third part is called `?Investigation?? An Index which consists of all the writings in this part has been prepared.The writings researched have been classified according to its names of the writers and types.Whileclassifying these have been researched according to its topics literary writings,writings about geography,tested activities,political and literal individuality;critism writings, writings about work introduction,tradition,good manners and folklare;news atmospheres and journalism,architecture,theatre,art and music,politics,historical and thought writings. While classifiying according to its types article,poem (lyric poems),epic poems,didactic biography,epigram,folk song,conference,memorials,tale,letter,reports and essay speach,tale biographies have been took part. Then ,announcement,correction,condelence,congratulations have been arranged in an Index. The fourth part is called??selected texts??in this part some poem samples from articles and essays of the individuals who gave their lives for independence and struggles for Azerbaijen and discussed biographies about writers. The fifth part is called `?conclusion?? an evaluation about some magazines which were researched. Key Words:The magazine of Azerbaijen,Azerbaijen Cultural Associationv and research
The magazine Azerbaijen which aimed to give a wide information about the art,the literature ,the history of Azerbaijen Turks started to be published on 01.04.1952 as the publication organ of Azerbaijen Cultural Assocation. It has been dedicated to be searched that magazine which aimed to be a guide for each reader wants to learn the cruelty and violence which Russai made on Azerbaijen Turks,to be sent to death camps,the struggles of Turks want to be independent. The issue of the magazine have been studied in five main parts: The first part is called `?The place of Azerbaigjen in our cultural life?? in this part there have been the brief cirriculum vitue,thye feature of shape and content of the magazine. In the second part there is the table of contents. The third part is called `?Investigation?? An Index which consists of all the writings in this part has been prepared.The writings researched have been classified according to its names of the writers and types.Whileclassifying these have been researched according to its topics literary writings,writings about geography,tested activities,political and literal individuality;critism writings, writings about work introduction,tradition,good manners and folklare;news atmospheres and journalism,architecture,theatre,art and music,politics,historical and thought writings. While classifiying according to its types article,poem (lyric poems),epic poems,didactic biography,epigram,folk song,conference,memorials,tale,letter,reports and essay speach,tale biographies have been took part. Then ,announcement,correction,condelence,congratulations have been arranged in an Index. The fourth part is called??selected texts??in this part some poem samples from articles and essays of the individuals who gave their lives for independence and struggles for Azerbaijen and discussed biographies about writers. The fifth part is called `?conclusion?? an evaluation about some magazines which were researched. Key Words:The magazine of Azerbaijen,Azerbaijen Cultural Associationv and research
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature