XIX.yüzyılda pasi-i ulya kazasında sosyo-ekonomıik durum
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Pasinler kazası, tarihin en eski devirlerinden itibaren birçok devletin hâkimiyeti altında kaldıktan sonra, 1040'lı yıllardan sonra Selçukluların hâkimiyeti altına girmiş ve o günden sonra küçük kesintiler olmasına karşın, bölgede Türk hâkimiyeti sürmüştür. 1800'lü yıllarda 12 mahalle ve köyde yaşayan bölge halkının nüfusu, hesaplarımıza göre 2035 civarındadır. Ahalinin büyük kısmının Müslüman olmasına karşılık az miktarda Gayrimüslim bulunmaktadır. Bölge halkının önemli bir bölümü çiftçilikle uğraşırken, işçilik, esnaflık ve ticaretle uğraşanların sayıları da önemli bir yekûn tutar. Halkın temel geçim kaynağı Tarım ve Hayvancılıktır. Yetiştirilen ürünler genellikle tahıldır. Tarım arazilerini işlemek için koşum hayvanları beslenmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra eti, sütü, derisi ve yünü için beslenen büyükbaş ve küçükbaş hayvanlar da oldukça fazladır. Pasinler kazası halkından, Vergi-yi mahsusa, tarım ürünlerinden Aşar ve Gayrimüslimlerden Cizye altında vergi alınıyordu.
Pasinler Town had been under the control of various tribes until it was conqured by Seljuks in the early 1041 and from that time onwards that place remained, throuh with from that time onwards that place remained, dthough with short intervals, to be under the domination of Turks. In the 19th century, the town conised of about 12 districts and villages which had a population of about 2032 most of residents were Muslims, a small number of it were no Muslims. Over half of its residents dealt with agriculture and the remaining part consisted of those who dealt with trade and commerce. The main source of living was agriculture and animal breeding. The grown agricultural products were cereals and draught-horses to cultivate their lana. Besides they also kept caws and sheep for their milk, leather and wool. The residents of Pasinler had to pay a special tax (verg-i Mahsusa) and ?Aşar? tax from their agricultural products the no Muslims had to pay a tax called ?Cizye?.
Pasinler Town had been under the control of various tribes until it was conqured by Seljuks in the early 1041 and from that time onwards that place remained, throuh with from that time onwards that place remained, dthough with short intervals, to be under the domination of Turks. In the 19th century, the town conised of about 12 districts and villages which had a population of about 2032 most of residents were Muslims, a small number of it were no Muslims. Over half of its residents dealt with agriculture and the remaining part consisted of those who dealt with trade and commerce. The main source of living was agriculture and animal breeding. The grown agricultural products were cereals and draught-horses to cultivate their lana. Besides they also kept caws and sheep for their milk, leather and wool. The residents of Pasinler had to pay a special tax (verg-i Mahsusa) and ?Aşar? tax from their agricultural products the no Muslims had to pay a tax called ?Cizye?.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Tarih Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, History