Prof. Dr. Osman Turan'ın hayatı ve eserleri
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Prof. Dr. Osman Turan Türk ve dünya tarihinin büyük ilim ve fikir adamlarından birisidir. "Prof. Dr. Osman Turan'ın Hayatı ve Eserleri" isimli bu çalışmamız üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde Osman Turan'ın hayatına ilişkin bilgi verilmektedir. Osman Turan 1914 yılında Trabzon ili, Çaykara ilçesi, Soğanlı köyünde dünyaya geldi. İlk tahsilini Kadahor ilkokulunda, orta tahsilini Bayburt'ta, lise tahsilini ise Trabzon ve Ankara'da tamamladı. Prof. Dr. M. Fuat Köprülü' nün teşvikiyle Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesine giren Osman Turan 1940 yılı kış sömestrsinde Ortaçağ Kürsüsünden mezun oldu. 1944 yılında H. Âli Yücel tarafından 8 ay süreyle Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı emrine alındı. 1952 yılında Osmanlı Sülalesinden Satıa Sultan ile evlenen Turan, D.P ve A.P' den Trabzon milletvekilliği yaptı. 1972 yılında emekliye ayrıldı. İstanbul'daki evinde ilmi çalışmalarına devam ederken 17 Ocak 1978 günü geçirdiği bir beyin kanaması sonucu hayata veda etti. İkinci bölümde ilmi hayatı üzerinde durulmuştur. 1940 yılında Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesine intisap eden Turan, 1941 yılında "On İki Hayvanlı Türk Takvimi" adlı çalışması ile doktor, 1944 yılında "Orta Zaman Türk Devletlerinde Türkçe Unvanlar" adlı araştırması ile doçent, 1951 yılında Profesör oldu. 1948-50 yıllarında İngiltere ve Fransa'da ilmi çalışma ve tetkiklerde bulundu. 1954'tc milletvekili olmasında dolayı akademik hayatına ara vermiş, daha sonra dönmek istemiş ise de kadro bulunmadığı gerekçesi ile isteği reddedilmiştir. 1950-54 yılları arasında İslâm Ansiklopedisine çok sayıda madde yazan Turan, asıl önemli çalışmalarını 1965 yılından sonra yapmıştır. Bu eserlerin belli başlıları "Selçuklular Tarihi ve Türk-İslâm Medeniyeti", "Selçuklular Zamanında Türkiye", "Doğu Anadolu Türk Devletleri Tarihi" ve "Türk Cihan Hakimiyeti Mefkuresi Tarihi" dir.IV Osman Turan çok sayıda toplantı, kongre ve konferansa katılmış tebliğ sunmuştur. 20 kitabı ve 83 makalesi yayınlanmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde ise bilimsel çalışmaları kronolojik sırayla verilmiştir. 20 kitabı ve 83 makalesi ayrı başlıklar altında değerlendirilmiştir.
Prof. Dr. Osman Turan is one of the biggest scholar in the Turkish and World's History. The thesis which is entited "Prof. Dr. Osman Turan's life and his works" divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, the information about Osman Turan's life has been given. Osman Turan was born in Soğanlı village where belongs to Çaykara town and this belongs to Trabzon city in 1914. He completed his education in Kadahor primary school, and carried on high school in Bayburt, Trabzon and Ankara. Osman Turan entered to Literature-History-Geography by the encougrament of Prof. Dr. M. Fuat Köprülü. He was graduated the middle ages professorship in 1940. He was appointed for eight months by the Ministry of Public Education. He was married with Satia Sultan from the family of Ottoman Empire and he worked as a member of the Turkish National Assembly from the DP and AP parties and he retired in 1972. He was dead from cerebral hemorrhage in the January 17ül 1978. In the second chapter, his scentific life has been given. Turan entered to Faculty of Literature-History-Geography in 1940 and he became a doctor in 1941 by the work which was titled "Twelwe Animals Turkish Calendar". He became an Assistant Proffessor in 1944 by his research which was called "Turkish Grades between Turkish Goverment in Middle Ages". And finally he become a proffessor in 1 95 1. He did some research in Britain and France between 1948 and 1950. He gave a break in his academic carier in 1 954 and soon he become a deputy. He wanted to return to the university, however he was refused as no chair left in the university. Turan wrote many articles into Islam encyclopedia between 1950 and 1954hourever he did his main works after 1965. His important works are called "The History of Seljuks and Islam Civilization", "Turkey in Seljuks Time", "The History of East Anatolian Turkish Goverments" and "The History of Turkish Universe Dominitation Idealism".VI Osman Turan attended many congress and represented many posters. His 20 books and 83 papers were published. In the third chapter, his scientific research was listed chronologically and his 20 books and 83 papers were appraised under different titles.
Prof. Dr. Osman Turan is one of the biggest scholar in the Turkish and World's History. The thesis which is entited "Prof. Dr. Osman Turan's life and his works" divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, the information about Osman Turan's life has been given. Osman Turan was born in Soğanlı village where belongs to Çaykara town and this belongs to Trabzon city in 1914. He completed his education in Kadahor primary school, and carried on high school in Bayburt, Trabzon and Ankara. Osman Turan entered to Literature-History-Geography by the encougrament of Prof. Dr. M. Fuat Köprülü. He was graduated the middle ages professorship in 1940. He was appointed for eight months by the Ministry of Public Education. He was married with Satia Sultan from the family of Ottoman Empire and he worked as a member of the Turkish National Assembly from the DP and AP parties and he retired in 1972. He was dead from cerebral hemorrhage in the January 17ül 1978. In the second chapter, his scentific life has been given. Turan entered to Faculty of Literature-History-Geography in 1940 and he became a doctor in 1941 by the work which was titled "Twelwe Animals Turkish Calendar". He became an Assistant Proffessor in 1944 by his research which was called "Turkish Grades between Turkish Goverment in Middle Ages". And finally he become a proffessor in 1 95 1. He did some research in Britain and France between 1948 and 1950. He gave a break in his academic carier in 1 954 and soon he become a deputy. He wanted to return to the university, however he was refused as no chair left in the university. Turan wrote many articles into Islam encyclopedia between 1950 and 1954hourever he did his main works after 1965. His important works are called "The History of Seljuks and Islam Civilization", "Turkey in Seljuks Time", "The History of East Anatolian Turkish Goverments" and "The History of Turkish Universe Dominitation Idealism".VI Osman Turan attended many congress and represented many posters. His 20 books and 83 papers were published. In the third chapter, his scientific research was listed chronologically and his 20 books and 83 papers were appraised under different titles.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ortaçağ Tarihi Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, History