Ziya Gökalp'te iktidarın meşruiyet kaynağı
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Ziya Gökalp Osmanlı mparatorlugu'nun zor ve bunalımlı bir döneminde yasamıs, fikirleriyle de ttihat ve Terakki ile Cumhuriyet Türkiye'si üzerinde belirgin bir etkiye sahip olmustur. Gökalp, Türkçülügünün yanı sıra, Türk siyaset ve düsünce hayatına önemli katkılarda bulunmus bir düsünür, siyaset ve eylem adamıdır. Cumhuriyet Türkiye'si ideolojisi ile Atatürk'ün düsünce sisteminin olusmasında Gökalp'in etkisi yadsınamaz. Osmanlı'nın son döneminde iktidarı elinde bulunduran ttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti'nin büyük ölçüde benimsemis oldugu ve Cumhuriyet'e intikal eden pozitivist/elitist yaklasım Gökalp düsüncesinde belirgin bir sekilde vardır ve bu onun siyasal düsüncelerinin merkezinde yer almaktadır. Ziya Gökalp'teki iktidar odaklı, muhalefeti dıslayan, bu elitist tavrın Cumhuriyet Türkiye'sinde de devam etmesi Türk demokrasisinin de en önemli çıkmazlardan biridir. Türk demokrasisi bu nedenle ?halk için neyin iyi oldugunu bilen?, ?seçkinlerin? yönetimiyle gerçek anlamda bir milli demokrasiye dönüsmekte zorlanmıstır. Gökalp kültürel manada özgürlükçü bir yapıyı savunsa da, siyasal iktidarın mesrulastırılmasında Türk devlet geleneginde var olan ?güvenlik?çi ve ?iktidar? odaklı yönetim anlayısını sürdürmüs bir düsünür olarak karsımıza çıkmaktadır. O'nun ?siyasal partiler?, ?seçim?, ?kamuoyu-kamu ruhu?, ?iktidar-muhalefet?, ?seçkinler?, ?mesruiyet? kavramlarına iliskin ortaya koydugu yaklasımlarda söz konusu ?iktidar odaklı? tavrın izini görmek mümkündür. Bu tavır O'nu da, Mesruiyet ve Cumhuriyet'in ilk dönem aydınları gibi ?devletçi? kılmaktadır. Gökalp bu ?mesruiyet? yaklasımıyla bir anlamda Türk devlet geleneginin merkeziyetçi anlayısını da devam ettirmis olmaktadır.
Ziya GÖKALP lived in a difficult and depressive era of Ottoman Empire and had substantial influence on ttihat and Terakki and Republican Turkey. Along with his title as a Turkish nationalist, GÖKALP is an intellectual, politician and activist who had important contributions to Turkish political and ideological life. GÖKALP?s influence on Republican Turkish ideology and on formation of ATATÜRK?s ideologic system could not be denied. Positivist and elitist approach that was adopted to a great extent by ttihat and Terakki Cemiyeti who hold the political power during the late Ottoman era and that was inherited by the Republic is conspicuously present in Gökalp?s ideology and that stays in the centermost of his political thoughts. Continuance of Ziya GÖKALP?s power-based elitist attitude which rejects opposition within the Republican Turkey is one of the most important dilemmas of Turkish democracy. Because of that reason, Turkish democracy under the ruling of ?aristocrats? who ?best knew what was good for the general public? has had difficulties in transforming into a national democracy in a real sense. Even though GÖKALP defended freedom based structure in cultural context, he could best be described as a thinker who maintained ?security based? and ?power based? administrative mentality which are both still existent in Turkish political tradition in legitimization of political power. It is easy to detect evidence of his ?power based? attitude he set forth in his approach related to such concepts of him as; ?political parties?, ?election?, ?public opinion and public spirit?, ?government-opposition relations?, ?aristocracy?, ?legitimacy? etc. That attitude definitely makes him as ?statist? very much like the intellectuals of Mesrutiyet or earlier Republican era. With his established ?legitimacy? approach GÖKALP could in a sense be assumed of maintaining the centralist view of Turkish political tradition.
Ziya GÖKALP lived in a difficult and depressive era of Ottoman Empire and had substantial influence on ttihat and Terakki and Republican Turkey. Along with his title as a Turkish nationalist, GÖKALP is an intellectual, politician and activist who had important contributions to Turkish political and ideological life. GÖKALP?s influence on Republican Turkish ideology and on formation of ATATÜRK?s ideologic system could not be denied. Positivist and elitist approach that was adopted to a great extent by ttihat and Terakki Cemiyeti who hold the political power during the late Ottoman era and that was inherited by the Republic is conspicuously present in Gökalp?s ideology and that stays in the centermost of his political thoughts. Continuance of Ziya GÖKALP?s power-based elitist attitude which rejects opposition within the Republican Turkey is one of the most important dilemmas of Turkish democracy. Because of that reason, Turkish democracy under the ruling of ?aristocrats? who ?best knew what was good for the general public? has had difficulties in transforming into a national democracy in a real sense. Even though GÖKALP defended freedom based structure in cultural context, he could best be described as a thinker who maintained ?security based? and ?power based? administrative mentality which are both still existent in Turkish political tradition in legitimization of political power. It is easy to detect evidence of his ?power based? attitude he set forth in his approach related to such concepts of him as; ?political parties?, ?election?, ?public opinion and public spirit?, ?government-opposition relations?, ?aristocracy?, ?legitimacy? etc. That attitude definitely makes him as ?statist? very much like the intellectuals of Mesrutiyet or earlier Republican era. With his established ?legitimacy? approach GÖKALP could in a sense be assumed of maintaining the centralist view of Turkish political tradition.
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Kamu Yönetimi Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Siyasal Bilimler, Political Science