A tipi kişilik puanları kontrol edilerek çalışanların stres kaynaklarının demografik değişkenlere göre incelenmesi
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Bu çalışmada, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı merkez teşkilatında çalışan memur ve şeflerden oluşan personelin A tipi kişilik puanları kontrol edilerek, stres kaynakları cinsiyet, yaş, medeni durum, iş pozisyonu ve çalışma sürelerine göre incelenmektedir. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı merkez teşkilatında çalışan 102 personele Stres Kaynağı Ölçeği ve A Tipi Kişilik Ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Veriler Kovaryans Analizi ile çözümlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, sosyal, işle ilgili ve kendini yorumlama ile ilgili stres kaynaklarından alınan puanlar açısından hastalık geliştirme eğilimi, fiziksel çevre ile ilgili stres kaynaklarından alınan puanlar açısından ise hastalık geliştirme ihtimali olacak kadar stres kaynaklarına maruz kaldıkları saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, 41 - 50 yaş arasındaki çalışanlar için sosyal, işle ilgili ve fiziksel çevreyle ilgili str es kaynaklarının 20- 30 yaş arasındakilerden; erkeklerin işle ilgili ve fiziksel çevreyle ilgili stres kaynaklarının kadınlardan; evlilerin işle ilgili ve fiziksel çevreyle ilgili stres kaynaklarının bekarlardan; şeflerin işle ilgili stres kaynaklarının memurlardan; 6- 15 yıl çalışanların fiziksel çevreyle ilgili stres kaynaklarının 1 - 5 yıl çalışanlardan daha fazla olduğu bulunmuştur
This study aimed to examine stress sources of officials and supervisors in the Ministry of Education’s central administration in terms of gender, age, marital status, job position, length of service by controlling Type A Personality scores. The Stress Source Scale and The Type A Personality Scale tests we re administered to 102 employees of the Ministry of Education’s central administration. The data was analyzed by covariance analysis. Their scores for stress sources related to social factors, work and self -interpretation indicate they are inclined to deve lop illness, and their scores for stress sources related to physical environment indicate that the employees are exposed to stress sources to such an extent that they are likely to develop illnesses. It was observed that the employees between the ages of 41 -50 tend to have more stress sources related to social factors, work and physical environment than employees between the ages of 20-30. Similarly, men tend to have more stress sources related to work and physical environment than women. Married individuals have more stress sources related to work and physical environment than singles. Supervisors have more stress sources related to work than officials. Employees who have been working for 6- 15 years have more stress sources related to physical environment than employees who have been working for 1 -5 years.
This study aimed to examine stress sources of officials and supervisors in the Ministry of Education’s central administration in terms of gender, age, marital status, job position, length of service by controlling Type A Personality scores. The Stress Source Scale and The Type A Personality Scale tests we re administered to 102 employees of the Ministry of Education’s central administration. The data was analyzed by covariance analysis. Their scores for stress sources related to social factors, work and self -interpretation indicate they are inclined to deve lop illness, and their scores for stress sources related to physical environment indicate that the employees are exposed to stress sources to such an extent that they are likely to develop illnesses. It was observed that the employees between the ages of 41 -50 tend to have more stress sources related to social factors, work and physical environment than employees between the ages of 20-30. Similarly, men tend to have more stress sources related to work and physical environment than women. Married individuals have more stress sources related to work and physical environment than singles. Supervisors have more stress sources related to work than officials. Employees who have been working for 6- 15 years have more stress sources related to physical environment than employees who have been working for 1 -5 years.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eğitim, Eğitim Araştırmaları
Eğitim ve Bilim
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri