Yerel Ekonomik Kalkınmada Siviltoplum Kuruluşlarının Rolü: Kayseri Örneği
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Küreselleşme olgusunun hayatımızda varoluşundan bu yana sürekli gündemde olan ve tartışılan sivil toplum olgusu da hayatımızda var olmuş ve her daim tartışılarak gündemde kalmayı başarmış bir kavramdır. Birçok platformda etkin olan STK?lar aktif ve dinamik yapısıyla dünyanın her yerinde kolaylıkla örgütlenebilmektedir. Ancak bu örgütlenme ne kadar kolaylıkla ve hızlı da olsa sorunsuz değildir. Özellikle 1980?lerde başlayarak popülaritesi birden oluşan; toplumun, siyasilerin, akademisyenlerin, entelektüellerin, gazetecilerin ve daha birçok kesimin fazlaca kullandığı önemli bir kavramdır. 21.yy?da da önemini ve etkisini hala devam ettirmektedir. Üstlendikleri işlevlerde de etkileme ve belirleme gücüne sahip olan STK?lar birçok yönetime alternatif olarak da gösterilmektedir. Kalkınma sürecinde de kalkınmanın yeni aktörleri ve rol belirleyicileri olarak öne çıkmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmanın amacı ise; önemli misyonlar yüklenen sivil toplum kuruluşlarının yerel ekonomik kalkınmaya etkisini incelemektir. Bu bağlamda, sivil toplum ve STK?lar, Türkiye?de dünyada ve Avrupa?da sivil toplum ve kalkınma süreci, STK?ların kalkınmaya etkisinde kayseri ili örneği ile ildeki STK?ların yerel ekonomik kalkınmayı nasıl etkilediği, son olarak da Kayseri?de ki STK?ların etkileri açısından SWOT analizi yapılmıştır
Civil society phenomenon which has been on the agenda and discussed since the existence of globalization phenomenon in our life is a concept which has been in our life and succeeded to remained on the agenda having been discussed at all times. Non-governmental organizations being active in many platforms can be easily organized in any place of the world with their active and dynamic structure. However, this organizing is not free of problems even though it is very easy and fast. Particularly, it is an important concept whose popularity has formed immediately starting at 1980's and which is much used by society, politicians, academicians, intellectuals, journalists and many other segments. It is still maintaining its importance and effect in 21st cc. Non-governmental organizations having impression and determination power in functions undertaken are pointed out for many managements as an alternative. Non-governmental organizations come to the forefront as new actors and role-determinants in development process. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of non-governmental organizations undertaking important missions on local economic development. In this regard, SWOT analysis was conducted in terms of civil society and non-governmental organizations, civil society and development process in Turkey, world and Europe, sample of Kayseri province for effect of non-governmental organization on development and how non-governmental organizations affect local economic development and finally effects of non-governmental organizations in Kayseri …
Civil society phenomenon which has been on the agenda and discussed since the existence of globalization phenomenon in our life is a concept which has been in our life and succeeded to remained on the agenda having been discussed at all times. Non-governmental organizations being active in many platforms can be easily organized in any place of the world with their active and dynamic structure. However, this organizing is not free of problems even though it is very easy and fast. Particularly, it is an important concept whose popularity has formed immediately starting at 1980's and which is much used by society, politicians, academicians, intellectuals, journalists and many other segments. It is still maintaining its importance and effect in 21st cc. Non-governmental organizations having impression and determination power in functions undertaken are pointed out for many managements as an alternative. Non-governmental organizations come to the forefront as new actors and role-determinants in development process. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of non-governmental organizations undertaking important missions on local economic development. In this regard, SWOT analysis was conducted in terms of civil society and non-governmental organizations, civil society and development process in Turkey, world and Europe, sample of Kayseri province for effect of non-governmental organization on development and how non-governmental organizations affect local economic development and finally effects of non-governmental organizations in Kayseri …
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sivil Toplum,, Yerel Kalkınma, Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları, Kalkınma