İlk okuma ve yazma öğretiminde eğitim yazılımlarının kullanımının öğretmen görüşleri açısından incelenmesi
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Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi / Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma ilk okuma ve yazma öğretimi sürecinde kullanılan eğitim yazılımlarına ilişkin öğretmen görüşlerini ortaya koymaktadır. Araştırma, nitel araştırma olarak ele alınmış ve veriler gözlem ve görüşme yapılarak elde edilmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Niğde ili Merkez ilçeye bağlı ilkokullarda 2018-2019 eğitim öğretim yılında 1. sınıfı okutan 26 sınıf öğretmeni oluşmaktadır. Seçilen öğretmenler basit tesadüfi örneklem yöntemi kullanılarak seçilmiştir. Araştırmada veri toplama araçları olarak yarı yapılandırılmış gözlem ve görüşme formları kullanılmış elde edilen verilerin analizinde içerik analizi yapılmıştır.Araştırma sonucunda, öğretmenlerin çoğunluğunun ilk okuma ve yazma öğretimi sürecini planlarken, eğitim yazılımlarını sürece gerekli gördükleri zaman dahil ettiği görülmüştür. Yapılan görüşmelerde öğretmenler, eğitim yazılımları konusunda hem kendileri hem de öğrenciler için olumlu görüşler bildirmişlerdir. Eğitim yazılımlarının öğrenciler açısından; öğretimi somutlaştırma, etkinliklere farklılık kazandırma, öğrenciler arasındaki bireysel farklıkları en aza indirme, öğrencilerin derse dikkatini çekme, öğrenilenleri uygulama fırsatı verme, öğrencilerdeki birçok farklı duyu organına hitap etme, öğrencileri motive etme ve öğrencilere destekleyici olma noktasında fayda sağladığı belirlenmiştir. Eğitim yazılımlarının öğretmenler açısından; öğretimi somutlaştırma, öğrencilerin dikkatini çekme süresini kısaltma, destekleyici olma, zaman kazandırma, planlama ve sınıf yönetimi noktasında fayda sağladığı belirlenmiştir. Eğitim yazılımlarının yanlış kullanıldığı zaman etkisini yitirdiği tespit edilmiştir. Öğretmenler, eğitim yazılımlarının, harf öğretimi sürecinde karşılaşılan problemleri giderdiğini ve öğretimi kolaylaştırdığını belirtmişlerdir. Ayrıca öğrencilerin dikkatini çekme noktasında yaşanan sorunları giderdiğini, öğretime farklılık kazandırmayı kolaylaştırdığını ve öğrencileri motive etme süresini kısalttığını ifade etmişlerdir. Öğretmenler yazılımlar için içeriklerinin zenginleştirilmesi gerektiğini ifade etmişlerdir. Bununla birlikte öğretmenler, yazılımların sayılarının artırılması gerektiğini ve herkes için ücretsiz olması gerektiğini belirtmişlerdir.
This research reveals teachers' views on the educational software used in primary reading and writing teaching process. The research was considered as qualitative research and the data were obtained by observation and interview. The sample of the study consists of 26 primary school teachers who teach the first graders in the 2018-2019 academic year in primary schools in the central district of Niğde. Selected teachers were chosen using simple random sampling method. In the research, semi-structured observation and interview forms were used as data collection tools. The data were analyzed by the content analysis method. At the end of the research, it was seen that the majority of teachers included the educational software when they deemed necessary while planning the primary reading and writing teaching process. In the interviews, teachers reported positive opinions for both themselves and students about educational software. It has been determined that educational software for students provides an advantage in terms of concretization of teaching, differentiation of activities, minimizing individual differences between students, giving attention to the lesson, giving them an opportunity to apply what is learned, addressing many different sensory organs in students, motivating and supporting students. It has been determined that educational software for students provides advantages in terms of concretization of teaching, shortening the time to attract students' attention, supporting, time-saving, planning and classroom management. It has been detected that educational software has lost its effect when it is used incorrectly. During the primary reading and writing teaching process, it has been determined that the teachers have problems such as individual differences among the students, crowded classrooms, the adaptation to the school culture, the lack of support from the families in the process, waged educational software, the classroom management, and the lack of material in schools. However, during the process, it has been detected that the students have difficulties in such a way that the students' finger muscles do not develop sufficiently, they have distractibility, they can not adapt to school culture, they have problems in detecting sound, recognizing voice, reading-writing letter, reading-writing syllable or word, and reading comprehension. Teachers have stated that educational software eliminates the problems encountered in the teaching of letters and facilitates teaching. They have also expressed that educational software corrects the problems at the point of attracting the attention of the students, facilitating to make a difference to the teaching and shortening the time to motivate the students. Teachers have stated that their contents should be enriched for software. In addition, teachers have stated that the number of software should be increased and should be free for everyone.
This research reveals teachers' views on the educational software used in primary reading and writing teaching process. The research was considered as qualitative research and the data were obtained by observation and interview. The sample of the study consists of 26 primary school teachers who teach the first graders in the 2018-2019 academic year in primary schools in the central district of Niğde. Selected teachers were chosen using simple random sampling method. In the research, semi-structured observation and interview forms were used as data collection tools. The data were analyzed by the content analysis method. At the end of the research, it was seen that the majority of teachers included the educational software when they deemed necessary while planning the primary reading and writing teaching process. In the interviews, teachers reported positive opinions for both themselves and students about educational software. It has been determined that educational software for students provides an advantage in terms of concretization of teaching, differentiation of activities, minimizing individual differences between students, giving attention to the lesson, giving them an opportunity to apply what is learned, addressing many different sensory organs in students, motivating and supporting students. It has been determined that educational software for students provides advantages in terms of concretization of teaching, shortening the time to attract students' attention, supporting, time-saving, planning and classroom management. It has been detected that educational software has lost its effect when it is used incorrectly. During the primary reading and writing teaching process, it has been determined that the teachers have problems such as individual differences among the students, crowded classrooms, the adaptation to the school culture, the lack of support from the families in the process, waged educational software, the classroom management, and the lack of material in schools. However, during the process, it has been detected that the students have difficulties in such a way that the students' finger muscles do not develop sufficiently, they have distractibility, they can not adapt to school culture, they have problems in detecting sound, recognizing voice, reading-writing letter, reading-writing syllable or word, and reading comprehension. Teachers have stated that educational software eliminates the problems encountered in the teaching of letters and facilitates teaching. They have also expressed that educational software corrects the problems at the point of attracting the attention of the students, facilitating to make a difference to the teaching and shortening the time to motivate the students. Teachers have stated that their contents should be enriched for software. In addition, teachers have stated that the number of software should be increased and should be free for everyone.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Okuma, Yazma, İlk Okuma ve Yazma Öğretimi, Ses Temelli Cümle Yöntemi, Eğitim Yazılımı, Reading, Writing, Teaching Primary Reading and Writing, Voice Based Sentence Method, Educational Software
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Şahin, A. (2019). İlk okuma ve yazma öğretiminde eğitim yazılımlarının kullanımının öğretmen görüşleri açısından incelenmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi) Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Niğde