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Öğe A PROMISING AND COST EFFECTIVE SURFACE STERILIZING METHOD FOR SWEET POTATO (IPOMOEA BATATASE.) CULTIVATED IN OPEN ENVIRONMENT(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2017) Bakhsh, Allah; Hussain, Tahira; Caliskan, Mehmet EminSweet potato is an important staple food and industrial material crop in the world. The crop is favored by resource poor farmers due to its good performance under adverse farming conditions, peak productivity in small farming areas and high carbohydrate and vitamin contents. The advances in genetic engineering technologies have helped the researchers to modify sweet potato to encode insect, herbicide and virus resistant traits. The efficient surface sterilization method is pre requisite for successful genetic improvement in sweet potato. We report an efficient, cost effective surface sterilization procedure of sweet potato seedlings collected from green house as well as field conditions for the initiation of in vitro culture. The seedlings from six sweet potato breeding lines were used to serve the purpose. Earlier, common bleach (NaOCl) was used to sterile sweet potato terminal buds to study their effectiveness in preventing microbial growth. Fungi and bacteria were most common microbial contaminants observed in cultures. Later on, the use of H2O2 in combination with ethanol resulted in relatively less contamination. The treatment of sweet potato ex plants with 70% ethanol for 5 min, 0.5% Mancozeb (Dithiocarbamate) for 5 min, followed by 5% hydrogen peroxide 5 mins resulted in suppressing microbial contaminations. This is the first report of the use of Mancozeb in combination with H2O2 for successful in vitro culture studies of sweet potato using explants from open environment. These findings will help to alleviate much burden associated with initiation of sweet potato cultures especially grown in field conditions.Öğe An insight into biotechnological approaches used for the improvement of secondary metabolites from the medicinal aquatic plant, water hyssop (Bacopa monnieri L.)(Springer Singapore, 2019) Aasim, Muhammad; Sameeullah, Muhammad; Karataş, Mehmet; Bakirci, Seyma; Bakhsh, Allah; Akhtar, Mohd SayeedWater has a significant role on human civilizations by providing food and water along with plants grown on the banks or within the water bodies. Aquatic plants or semiaquatic plants are the group of plants that love to live in or near water bodies, and some of these plants are economically important due to their usage as food or medicinal plants. Water hyssop or brahmi (Bacopa monnieri L.) is one of the important semiaquatic/aquatic plants that has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient time in Indian subcontinent. The plant contains several secondary metabolites like bacosides which are used as memory enhancer tonic commercially. Brahmi-based registered drugs are available in India and other countries as memory enhancer tonic and for other diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, asthma, stomach ulcers, and respiratory ailments and for curing chronic diseases like cancer. Bacopa is facing the threat of extinction from wild as it is not a cultivated plant and propagation through seed is limited due to low availability of and viability of seeds. On the other hand, extensive works on the propagation of this important medicinal plant has been reported to develop in vitro protocols for its conservation and plant propagation for secondary metabolite production. Different in vitro techniques like cell suspension culture, callus culture, and organogenesis have been reported with the objective of producing or enhancing bacoside. Furthermore, application of other biotechnological approaches like Agrobacteriummediated genetic transformation studies, use of mutagens, and in vitro polyploidization have also been reported. Thus, the aim of this chapter is to highlight the application of different biotechnological approaches used for the production, conservation, and secondary metabolite production of B. monnieri. © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019.Öğe An insight into cotton genetic engineering (Gossypium hirsutum L.): current endeavors and prospects(SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2015) Bakhsh, Allah; Anayol, Emine; Ozcan, Sancar Fatih; Hussain, Tahira; Aasim, Muhammad; Khawar, Khalid Mahmood; Ozcan, SebahattinCotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is the most significant cash crop and backbone of global textile industry. The importance of cotton can hardly be over emphasized in the economy of cotton-growing countries as cotton and cotton products contribute significantly to the foreign exchange earnings. Cotton breeders have continuously sought to improve cotton's quality through conventional breeding in the past centuries; however, due to limited availability of germplasm with resistant to particular insects, pests and diseases, further advancements in cotton breeding have been challenging. The progress in transformation systems in cotton paved the way for the genetic improvement by enabling the researchers to transfer specific genes among the species and to incorporate them in cotton genome. With the development of first genetically engineered cotton plant in 1987, several characteristics such as biotic (insects, viruses, bacteria and fungi) resistance, abiotic (drought, chilling, heat, salt), herbicide tolerance, manipulation of oil and fiber traits have been reported to date. Genetic engineering has emerged as a necessary tool in cotton breeding programs, strengthening classical strategies to improve yield and yield contributing factors. The current review highlights the advances and endeavors in cotton genetic engineering achieved by researchers worldwide utilizing modern biotechnological approaches. Future prospects of the transgenic cotton are also discussed.Öğe An Insight to Micropropagation of Freshwater Aquatic Medicinal Plants(Springer International Publishing, 2019) Aasim, Muhammad; Khawar, Khalid Mahmood; Karataş, Mehmet; Shahzad Bloch, Faheem; Bakhsh, AllahFreshwater aquatic plants include medicinal and ornamental species: have limited demand and rarely micropropagated. Most of them are found in Southeast Asian environments as amphibians or fully submerged or floating in lakes, streams, and watercourses that are ignored as weeds. These plants have never been central focuses and were not looked for characteristic proliferation. It is difficult to multiply these plants using traditional techniques through seeds or natural proliferation of rhizomes or cuttings by maintaining quality. Rare and fragmented but important information about micropropagation of these neglected plants has been discussed in this chapter. There are certain aquatic or semiaquatic medicinal plants for which no effort has been made to propagate in vitro. Contrarily, plants like water hyssop have extensive in vitro regeneration protocols due to its high demand. This study compares methodologies used by researchers to micropropagate these plants. It is concluded that this study will help in understanding and establishing systems for scientific propagation of these plants. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.Öğe An Introduction to Global Production Trends and Uses, History and Evolution, and Genetic and Biotechnological Improvements in Cotton(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2020) Jabran, Khawar; Ul-Allah, Sami; Chauhan, Bhagirath Singh; Bakhsh, Allah[Abstract Not Available]Öğe An overview of regulations of genetically modified organisms in Türkiye(Elsevier, 2022) Bakhsh, Allah; Hossain, Md Jakir; Yerlikaya, Bayram Ali; Ayten, Sefa; Özcan, SebahattinGenetically modified organisms (GMOs) are living beings whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory by genetic modification with plant, animal, bacterial, and viral genes in order to favor the expression of desired physiological traits or the generation of desired biological products that do not exist in nature or by traditional crossbreeding methods. GMOs have become a part of everyday life with diverse beneficial aspects, although some disadvantages exist; therefore, GMOs' production remains a highly controversial topic in many parts of the world. Initially, this outstanding agricultural practice was initiated to combat global food scarcity and famine and remains as a viable option for large-scale crop production to ensure global food security. Furthermore, the patent of GMO seeds leads to the inevitable control and dominancy of private enterprises over food production. Besides these, although there is no concrete proof, the harmful effects of GMO crops on human health are the burning question around the world. In addition to these, because of improper regulation strategy, misconceptions, and low literacy regarding the GMO products, loss of genetic diversity, and nonreturnable status of GMOs to nature after being released, the issue of labeling the GMO products is a huge problem among the consumers. Hence, GMO issues are closely related to human health aspects that should be considered and cannot be ignored by the law. Many countries have come forward with legislative action to regulate this sensitive field. As Türkiye has needed to depend on importing agricultural goods for some time, it has implemented several legislative measures to control GMO related affairs. This article will detail all contemporary GMO issues for Türkiye. © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe Apprehending the potential of BABY BOOM transcription factors to mitigate cotton regeneration and transformation(Springernature, 2020) Yavuz, Caner; Tillaboeva, Shakhnozakhan; Bakhsh, AllahSince the advent of transgenic technology, the incorporation of gene(s) encoding traits of economic importance in cotton is being practiced worldwide. However, factors like recalcitrant nature of cotton cultivars, in vitro regeneration via tissue culture (especially via somatic embryogenesis), genotype dependency, long and toilsome protocols impede the pace of development of transgenic cotton. Besides that, types and age of explants, media composition, plant growth regulators and other environmental factors affect in vitro cotton regeneration significantly. The studies of genetic control of in vitro regeneration in plants have elucidated the role of certain transcription factor genes that are induced and expressed during somatic embryogenesis. Among these transcription factors, BABY BOOM (BBM) plays a very important role in signal transduction pathway, leading to cell differentiation and somatic embryos formation. The role of BBM has been established in plant cell proliferation, growth and development even without exogenous growth regulators. This review intends to provide an informative summary of regeneration and transformation problems in cotton and the latest developments in utilization of BBM transcription factors in cotton. We believe that the use of BBM will not only ease cotton genetic improvement but will also accelerate cotton breeding programmes.Öğe Biofortification Under Climate Change: The Fight Between Quality and Quantity(Springer International Publishing, 2020) Maqbool, Amir; Abrar, Muhammad; Bakhsh, Allah; Çalişkan, Sevgi; Khan, Haroon Zaman; Aslam, Muhammad; Aksoy, EmreClimate change has been a serious problem in our industrialized world for the last century. We have faced its devastating effects on the environment, agriculture and human population. In current scenarios, around 3.8 billion people are predicted to live in areas with severe water problems by 2025. As the majority of staple crops are sensitive to environmental fluctuations, only an increase in global temperatures by 2 °C can disrupt agricultural practices and crop production periods severely. Therefore, plant breeders have canalized all the efforts to enhance the grain yield and produce more crops under adverse environmental conditions to meet the demand of the ever-increasing human population. However, the majority of current staple crop varieties produce grains with insufficient micronutrients. Moreover, climate change decreases micronutrient uptake from the soil and translocation within the plant body. In this chapter, three strategies (agronomic, breeding and transgenics) of micronutrient biofortification in various staple crops are explained with recent successful examples. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.Öğe Böceklere Geniş Spektrumlu Dayanıklılık Gösteren Patates Bitkilerinin Geliştirilmesi Için Bitki Aracılığıyla Yeni Bir RNAi Stratejisi(2019) Bakhsh, Allah; Çalışkan, Mehmet Emin; Asım, Muhammad; Aksoy, Emre; Pırlak, UğurBacillus thuringiensis? den elde edilen cry genlerinin ifade edilmesiyle elde dilen transgenik bitkilerin yoğun bir şekilde tarımının yapılması, Bt bitkilerine karşı böcek ve zararlı dayanıklılığı ile sonuçlanmıştır. Etkili bir bitki zararlısı mücadelesi için, bu bitkilerin sürdürülebilirliği ve kalıcılığı sorgulanmaktadır. Son zamanlarda, RNA interferaz tekniği bitki böcek ve zararlılarına karşı bitki iyileştirme konusunda önemli bir yöntem olduğunu kanıtlamıştır. Bu proje RNA interferaz tekniğini kullanarak, patates güvesi ve Colorado patates böceğinde bulunan yüksek derecede spesifik deri değiştime ile ilgili Ecdysone Reseptör geninin (EcR) susturulmasına odaklanmştır. Patates böceği ve patates güvesinden elde edilmiş olan EcR geninin kısmi cDNA?sı özel primerler kullanılarak sens ve antisens yönlerinde aralarında bir intron içerecek şekilde pRNAi-GG vektörüne klonlanmıştır. Agria ve Lady Olympia çeşitlerininin yaprak ve internod eksplantları, pRNAi-CPB ve pRNAi-PTM plasmidleri ile EcR bölgelerine sahip LBA4404 Agrobakteri suşu ile, 35S promotör kontöründe sens ve antisens yönlerinde, transforme edilmiştir. Neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII) geni 100 mg L-1 konsantrasyonunda markör olarak kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen birincil transformantlar, standart moleküler analizler ile bitki genomunda T-DNA?ya uygun şekilde entegrasyon göstermiştir. Southern emdirme sonuçları, bitki genomunda genin entegrasyonunu gösterirken, RT-qPZR sonuçları EcR geninin transgenik bitkilerde birikme seviyelerini ortaya koydu. Çeşitlerden geliştirilen bitkiler CPB ve PTM larvalarının birincil, ikincil ve üçüncül evrelerinin etkinlikleri açısından değerlendirildi. Yaprak biyotoksisite analizleri ile iki böcek türünde de % 15-80 ölüm oranı belirlendi. Kontrol bitkilerle kıyaslandığında (1.87-6.53 X), trangenik bitkilerle beslenen böceklerde larva ağırlığında önemli derecede azalış (0.87-4.14 X) gözlendi. Ayrıca, RT-qPZR analizleri EcR geninin ifade seviyesindeki azalmayı ortaya çıkartarak, her iki böcekle muamele edilmiş EcR-dsRNA?nın işlevselliğini gösterdi. Bu çalışma, patates böcek zararlılarınının Ecdysone reseptör protein geninin ekspresyonunun susturulması için hedef zararlılara karşı dsRNA?nın patateste ifade edilmesi sonucunda RNAi teknolojisinin işlevselliğini ve entegre zararlı denetiminde etkili bir araç olduğunu gösteren ilk çalışmadır.Öğe Combined Application of Biochar and Biocontrol Agents Enhances Plant Growth and Activates Resistance Against Meloidogyne incognita in Tomato(Springer, 2021) Arshad, Usman; Azeem, Farrukh; Mustafa, Ghulam; Bakhsh, Allah; Toktay, Halil; McGiffen, Milt; Nawaz, Muhammad AmjadBiochar (BC) is known to enhance plant growth and may activate plant resistance to various soil borne pathogens. In this experiment, the rice husk (RH) BC was combined with biocontrol agents (BCAs), Bacillus subtilis and Trichoderma harzianum against Meloidogyne incognita in tomato and the efficacy of BC and BCAs in boosting overall plant biomass assessed side by side. BCAs along with 3% RH BC were applied to potting soil, tomato plants were transplanted, and then the soil was inoculated with second stage juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita. Bacillus subtilis +3% RH BC improved overall plant growth and reduced M. incognita damage. To unravel the resistance at the molecular level, root samples were taken 6- and 12-days post inoculation (dpi) to measure the expression of two resistance genes, PR-1b and JERF3, with the help of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The expression of PR-1b was upregulated 6 dpi for only BCAs while JERF3 remained unchanged except in only Bacillus subtilis treated plants. Similarly, the expression of both genes was found to be upregulated in some combined treatments at 12 dpi. The results suggested that the 3% BC application with BCAs effectively manages root-knot nematode, enhances overall plant biomass, and triggers defense related genes in tomato plants.Öğe Combined drought and heat stresses trigger different sets of miRNAs in contrasting potato cultivars(Springer Heidelberg, 2021) Gokce, Zahide Neslihan Ozturk; Aksoy, Emre; Bakhsh, Allah; Demirel, Ufuk; Caliskan, Sevgi; Caliskan, Mehmet EminMicroRNAs are small, non-coding RNAs that are responsible for regulation of gene expression during plant growth and development. Although there are many studies on miRNAs in other plants, little work has been done to understand the role of miRNAs in abiotic stress tolerance in potatoes. This study investigates changes in miRNA profiles of two different potato cultivars (tolerant, Unica and susceptible, Russet Burbank) in response to heat, drought and their combination. Transcriptomic studies revealed that miRNA profiles depend on the susceptibility and tolerance of the cultivar and also the stress conditions. Large number of miRNAs were expressed in Unica, whereas Russet Burbank indicated lesser number of changes in miRNA expression. Physiological and transcriptional results clearly supported that Unica cultivar is tolerant to combined drought and heat stress compared to Russet Burbank. Moreover, psRNATarget analysis predicted that major miRNAs identified were targeting genes playing important roles in response to drought and heat stress and their important roles in genetic and post-transcriptional regulation, root development, auxin responses and embryogenesis were also observed. This study focused on eight miRNAs (Novel_8, Novel_9, Novel_105, miR156d-3p, miR160a-5p, miR162a-3p, miR172b-3p and miR398a-5p) and their putative targets where results indicate that they may play a vital role at different post-transcriptional levels against drought and heat stresses. We suggest that miRNA overexpression in plants can lead to increased tolerance against abiotic stresses; furthermore, there should be more emphasis on the studies to investigate the role of miRNAs in combined abiotic stress in plants.Öğe Conclusions and future prospective in potato production(Elsevier, 2022) Bakhsh, Allah; Jabran, Khawar; Nazik, Noman; Çalışkan, Mehmet EminPotato is a crop of future and possesses a strong link to global food security, particularly in the wake of fast-increasing human population. Considering the global importance of potato, it is important to maintain its yield and sustain its productivity. In the same context, the book Potato Production Worldwide covers the current state of the art of potato production with a particular focus on topics such as potato history, origin and taxonomy, biotic and abiotic stresses in potato production, water and nutrition management in potato, seed potato production, postharvest physiology and storage, and recent genetic, molecular, and biotechnology approaches in potato production. Further, the book also addressed specific issues and relevant solutions in important potato-producing regions of the world. This is the final and “conclusions” chapter of the book and is aimed to provide a summary of the topics discussed in the book, particularly the topics of global potato production trends, potato plant protection, importance of seed potato production, and smart farming. Further, the topics that were absent or insufficiently covered in the book have also been addressed in this chapter. Important of these are as follows: organic potato production, climate change and sustainable potato production, harmful and useful secondary metabolites in potato, colored potatoes, and novel agronomic approaches to improve potato productivity and sustainability. © 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe Contribution of Genetically Modified Crops in Agricultural Production: Success Stories(Elsevier, 2020) Bakhsh, Allah; Sırel, Irem Aycan; Kaya, Rabia Busenaz; Ataman, Ilkay Hilal; Dönmez, Betül Ayça; Yeşil, Binnur; Yel, IlknurOne of the great challenges for the scientists of today is to provide adequate nutrition for an increasing global population by developing more socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable agriculture. Despite urbanization, agriculture is still the backbone of the economic of many countries worldwide, not only by providing food and raw material but also employment opportunities to the chunk of population around the globe. The agriculture sector faces many challenges of land management, low farm yield and profitability, etc. The advent of biotechnology in the last decade of 20th century has changed the gear of agriculture production. The genetic barriers in conventional breeding have successfully been addressed by modern-day technologies and researchers are now able to engineer traits of economic importance among distant species. We have already witnessed the contribution of commercialized GM cotton, soybean, maize, eggplant, and canola toward increased farm productivity. The commercialization of Bt cowpea and cotton in African countries and Golden Rice in Philippines will open further avenues of sustainable production. In this book chapter, we have discussed the production and commercialization of GM crops with their impact on agricultural productivity. © 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe CRISPR-Cas9-Mediated Reduced Expression of Potato Apoplastic Invertase Inhibitor Gene and Analysis of Transformation Efficiency Parameters(Springer, 2024) Das Dangol, Sarbesh; Caliskan, Mehmet Emin; Bakhsh, AllahPathogen infections that affect potato yield cause severe economic losses every year. Many studies point to the role of apoplastic (cell wall) invertase (CWIN) enzyme in plant defence mechanisms. Apoplastic invertase inhibitor (INVINH1) post-translationally regulates the CWIN enzyme activity. Nevertheless, the role of INVINH1 needs to be elucidated for several effects in plant transformation parameters and its gene expression which we sought to explore using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. In this study, we sequenced the first exon of INVINH1 gene in cv. Desiree and Solanum chacoense M6. We identified in the first exon two alleles for StINVINH1 gene in cv. Desiree and one allele for ScINVINH1 gene in S. chacoense M6. We designed two single-guided RNAs (sgRNAs) to target INVINH1 gene from diploid S. chacoense M6 and tetraploid S. tuberosum cv. Desiree using CRISPR/Cas9-based technology. In our earlier study, we have already optimised the transformation protocol for M6 and cv. Desiree using Agrobacterium strains, based on which Agrobacterium strain AGL1 was chosen for the CRISPR/Cas9 experiment. Our experimentation showed that heat stress at 37 degrees C could increase the mutagenesis capability and CRISPR/Cas9 targeting affected the plant transformation parameters. It was found from the knockout experiment that the indels were present in the calli and the candidate regenerated plants showed reduced gene expression level conducted via RT-qPCR. Our study demonstrated that INVINH1 targeting affected the calli induction and regeneration rates, was effective under heat stress and reduced its gene expression level. More studies are required to comprehend the function of the INVINH1 enzyme in potato stress response and defence mechanism.Öğe CRISPR/Cas-mediated plant genome editing outstanding challenges a decade after implementation(Cell Press, 2023) Cardi, Teodoro; Murovec, Jana; Bakhsh, Allah; Boniecka, Justyna; Bruegmann, Tobias; Bull, Simon E.; Eeckhaut, TomThe discovery of the CRISPR/Cas genome-editing system has revolutionized our understanding of the plant genome. CRISPR/Cas has been used for over a decade to modify plant genomes for the study of specific genes and biosynthetic pathways as well as to speed up breeding in many plant species, including both model and non-model crops. Although the CRISPR/Cas system is very efficient for genome editing, many bottlenecks and challenges slow down further improvement and applications. In this review we discuss the challenges that can occur during tissue culture, transformation, regeneration, and mutant detection. We also review the opportunities provided by new CRISPR platforms and specific applications related to gene regulation, abiotic and biotic stress response improvement, and de novo domestication of plants.Öğe CRISPR/Cas9: A New Genome Editing Tool to Accelerate Cotton (Gossypium spp.) Breeding(Springer International Publishing Ag, 2019) Sattar, Muhammad N.; Iqbal, Zafar; Das Dangol, Sarbesh; Bakhsh, AllahCotton has a tremendous economic value worldwide due to its high-quality fiber, edible oil and protein contents. However, the intensifying scenario of human population expansion and global environmental changes demand a proportionate increase in cotton production. In the past, several successful attempts have been made by introgression of many quality- and yield-related traits into elite cotton cultivars through conventional breeding. However, those measures are time consuming due to the reliance on introgression of naturally-existing genetic variation through extensive backcrossing. Nonetheless, plant breeding can be accelerated through modern genome editing (GE) tools. Various GE techniques including zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), and clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats and CRISPR-associated proteins systems (CRISPR/Cas)-based approaches have been successfully employed for various crop plants. Among them, CRISPR/Cas-based approaches hold great GE potential due to their simplicity, competency and versatility. In cotton, this system can regulate the gene expression associated with quality traits, to circumscribe phytopathogens and/or to stack molecular traits at a desired locus. In gene stacking through site-specific endonucleases, the desired genes can be introduced in close proximity to a specific locus in the cotton genome with a low risk of segregation. However, such executions are tedious to achieve through classical breeding techniques. Moreover, through the CRISPR/Cas-based approaches, transgene-free cotton plants can easily be produced by selfing or backcrossing to meet the current genetically modified organisms (GMO) guidelines. In this chapter, we address the potential application of CRISPR/Cas-based approaches in available whole cotton genomes to sustain cotton productivity, and achieve genetic improvement, pathogen resistance and agronomic traits. Future prospects of GE applications in cotton breeding are also addressed.Öğe Demographic features and population projection of resistant and susceptible populations of Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)(Springer, 2023) Naqqash, Muhammad Nadir; Gokce, Ayhan; Bakhsh, Allah; Salim, MuhammadColorado potato beetle (CPB) is the most devastating insect-pest of potato in America, Asia and Europe. Injudicious use of insecticides for management of this pest has resulted in resistance to all major groups of insecticides. Keeping in view the importance of inducing susceptibility in CPB management, fitness parameters of susceptible CPB population were calculated in comparison with normal field populations. For this purpose, Agria cultivar was used for rearing of Colorado potato beetle under controlled conditions. Susceptible popualtion was raised for more than 3 years before the study. While, field population was collected and F-2 was used for the life table study. The life table study of lab susceptible and field collected population showed that the lab susceptible population had significantly less intrinsic rate, fecundity, survival and other population parameters than the field collected population. The calculated population parameters for the field population were 0.12 day(-1) for the intrinsic rate of increase (r), 1.13 day(-1) for the finite rate of increase (lambda), and 71.07 offsprings/female for the net reproductive rate (R-0), and they were significantly higher than the parameters of lab susceptible population (r = 0.10 day(-1), lambda = 1.10 day(-1) and R-0 = 38.43 offsprings/female). The increased biotic potential of CPB in the field can be attributed to the widespread use of neonicotinoids like imidacloprid. After detailed study, such insecticides, that have tendency to enhance the biotic potential of insect-pests, can be banned for better management of notorious insect-pests like CPB.Öğe Demographic study of imidacloprid-resistant Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) fed on transgenic and commercial potato cultivars(Springer, 2022) Salim, Muhammad; Gokce, Ayhan; Bakhsh, AllahImpacts of transgenic and non-transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants containing more than one insecticidal gene on life table parameters of an imidacloprid-resistant Colorado potato beetle (CPB) colony, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, were studied under laboratory conditions. The life table parameters of the CPB colony on both commercial potato cultivars Agria and Lady Olympia and their transgenic counterparts were studied utilizing two methods: individually reared and group-reared to understand full potential of this destructive pest. All tested CPB larvae and adults on transgenic potato plants died before obtaining any results for the two-sex life table studies. The life table parameters were calculated using non-transgenic plants. The intrinsic rate of increase (r), the finite rate of increase (lambda), the net reproductive rate (R-0) and the mean generation time (T) were calculated 0.15 day(-1), 1.16 day(-1), 233.81 eggs/female and 37.43 days on Lady Olympia respectively. The CPBs, reared on cultivar Agria, had significantly lower values of r, lambda and R-0 except T (0.12 day(-1), 1.13 day(-1), 120.81 eggs/female and 39.75 days) respectively. The net reproductive rate (R-0) (204.31 eggs/female) and the mean generation time (T) 43.86 days of CPB were longer on Lady Olympia than on Agria when reared in groups. All these results indicate that the non-transgenic potato cultivar, Lady Olympia is a more susceptible host for CPB than the potato cultivar Agria and the transgenic potato cultivars exhibit significant toxicity and could be useful in control of imidacloprid-resistant CPB population.Öğe Developing future heat-resilient vegetable crops(Springer Heidelberg, 2023) Saeed, Faisal; Chaudhry, Usman Khalid; Raza, Ali; Charagh, Sidra; Bakhsh, Allah; Bohra, Abhishek; Ali, SumbulClimate change seriously impacts global agriculture, with rising temperatures directly affecting the yield. Vegetables are an essential part of daily human consumption and thus have importance among all agricultural crops. The human population is increasing daily, so there is a need for alternative ways which can be helpful in maximizing the harvestable yield of vegetables. The increase in temperature directly affects the plants' biochemical and molecular processes; having a significant impact on quality and yield. Breeding for climate-resilient crops with good yields takes a long time and lots of breeding efforts. However, with the advent of new omics technologies, such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, the efficiency and efficacy of unearthing information on pathways associated with high-temperature stress resilience has improved in many of the vegetable crops. Besides omics, the use of genomics-assisted breeding and new breeding approaches such as gene editing and speed breeding allow creation of modern vegetable cultivars that are more resilient to high temperatures. Collectively, these approaches will shorten the time to create and release novel vegetable varieties to meet growing demands for productivity and quality. This review discusses the effects of heat stress on vegetables and highlights recent research with a focus on how omics and genome editing can produce temperature-resilient vegetables more efficiently and faster.Öğe Development and Applications of Transplastomic Plants; A Way Towards Eco-Friendly Agriculture(Springer International Publishing, 2020) Hossain, Md Jakir; Bakhsh, AllahWith distribution of genetic materials and advance molecular characteristics, the chloroplast is prokaryotic compartments within the eukaryotic plants that have turned into a crucial source for the genetic engineering and transplastomic plants are becoming more popular means of agricultural development with elevated crop yield. To address global agricultural problems, genetic modification of crop plants is a rapid and promising solution to adapt the environment-friendly and well-controlled farming system. The transplastomic plant with high accumulation of foreign proteins (up to 45-46% TSP) and stable transgene expression with gene containment can be a unique choice for the agricultural innovation of coming centuries. Although the transplastomic plants still facing encumber to ensure the full potential exploitation and expansion as an economical means, the removal of hardness and obstacles of this technology and commercialization can contribute for the sustainable development of future agriculture. In this book chapter, we intend to recapitulate the up to date development and achievement of transplastomic plant including gene transfer procedures in plastid genomes, regulable expression of plastid transgenes, plant trait improvement by foreign gene expression, biopharmaceuticals production, engineering of metabolic pathways in plant, study of transformation mediated RNA editing technologies, bio-safety issues and public concerns on transplastomic plants and overall beneficial aspects. We believe that the utilization of transplastomic plants will ensure an eco-friendly approach in agriculture with minimized hazards and public concerns. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.