Lineer Stiff Diferansiyel Denklem Ve Stiff Denklem Sistemlerinin Çözümlerinin Farklı Runge-Kutta Metodları Kullanılarak Hesaplanması
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Bu yüksek lisans çalışmasında lineer stiff diferansiyel denklem ve stiff diferansiyel denklem sistemlerinin farklı Runge-Kutta metodları kullanılarak çözümlerinin hesaplanması araştırılmıştır. İlk olarak adım sayısı ve mertebe arasındaki bağıntı incelenerek bu metodların tarihsel gelişim süreçleri incelenmiştir. Daha sonra metodları yazmakta gerekli olan Butcher Tablosu ve bu tablodan yola çıkarak mertebe şartları araştırılmış ve Butcher Tablosunda yer alan katsayıların hesaplama yöntemleri incelenmiştir. Hesaplanan farklı katsayılar ile bazı farklı metodlar incelenmiş ve bu metodlar stiff diferansiyel denklemlere uygulanarak aralarındaki yaklaşım farkları incelenmiştir. Aynı zamanda bulunan metodlara ait kararlılık bölgeleri Dahquist test denklemi kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Bulunan kararlılık bölgeleri doğrultusunda metodun farklı adım uzunluğu kullanılarak çözümleri elde edilmiştir. Kararlılık bölgesinin büyüklüğüne göre metodların stiff diferansiyel denklemler için hangi adım aralığında daha iyi sonuç verdiği incelenmiştir
In this master thesis, computation of linear stiff ordinary differential equations and stiff systems of differential equations by using different Runge-Kutta methods are researched. Firstly, relations between stage and order of these methods are investigated. Then, historical development of these methods are investigated. Coefficients of Butcher table, which are essential for writing this table and computation techniques for this coefficients are investigated. Some different methods are researched with this computed coefficients and these methods are applied to stiff ordinary differential equations. In addition, approximation differences between them are researched. Also, stability regions of these methods are found using Dahlquist test equation. Through these stability regions, some solutions are obtained using different step size. Finally, it is investigated that step size is appropriate for stiff ordinary differential equaitons according to stability regions …
In this master thesis, computation of linear stiff ordinary differential equations and stiff systems of differential equations by using different Runge-Kutta methods are researched. Firstly, relations between stage and order of these methods are investigated. Then, historical development of these methods are investigated. Coefficients of Butcher table, which are essential for writing this table and computation techniques for this coefficients are investigated. Some different methods are researched with this computed coefficients and these methods are applied to stiff ordinary differential equations. In addition, approximation differences between them are researched. Also, stability regions of these methods are found using Dahlquist test equation. Through these stability regions, some solutions are obtained using different step size. Finally, it is investigated that step size is appropriate for stiff ordinary differential equaitons according to stability regions …
Anahtar Kelimeler
Butcher Tablosu, Stiff Diferansiyel Denklemler, Runge-Kutta Metodları, Kararlılık Analizi