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Öğe A Research on Structural Characteristics and Problems of Sheep Breeding in Nigde(KAHRAMANMARAS SUTCU IMAM UNIV, 2015) Ceyhan, Ayhan; Sekeroglu, Ahmet; Unalan, Adnan; Cinar, Mahmut; Serbester, Ugur; Akyol, Ethem; Yilmaz, ErdoganThis study was carried out to reveal the present status of sheep farms in Nigde, to detect basic priority problems and to offer some solutions to these problems. In this study, total of 96 sheep farming enterprises were chosen by stratified sampling method to represent the entire province as an example. A survey was conducted to obtain information regarding mating, lambing, milking, shearing, marketing milk and meat, grazing animals status, tools and equipment of sheep enterprises and health protection and feed utilization status. The results of analyzes showed that a large portion (68.8%) of sheep breeders were primary school graduates, while 99% of sheep farms raised only Akkaraman breed 1.0% of them raised only Merino breed, average duration of sheep breeding was 25.7 years, family labor was commonly (63.5%) used as shepherd, the average number of sheep per farm was 314.5 head and the enterprises had also 7.9 head cows, 38.1 head goats, 1.9 horses and 5.2 heads cat and dog. Besides, it was informed that 86.4% of breeders had learned sheep breeding from their ancestors, sheep farming was only source of income for 82.3% of them and was enjoyable job for 10.4% of them. It was also determined that sheep breeding was maintained in highland (40.6%), in highland and settled down (19.8%), in settled down (38.6%), and in nomadic (1.0%) system in Nigde. The 97.9% of sheep enterprises is a member of Nigde Sheep and Goat Breeders Association. Breeders expressed that high feed prices, insufficient pastures area and poor pastures quality were priority problems. They reported that needs to be done to increase in marketing price, improvement of pasture and sheep flock genetic, also increasing the forage crops cultivation area for profitable sheep breeding.Öğe Adana İli Arıcılığının Yapısını Belirlemek Üzere Yapılan Bir Anket Çalışması(2019) Güneşdoğdu, Mustafa; Akyol, EthemAdana ili, iklim özellikleri, coğrafi yapısı ve arıcılık için uygun bitkilerce zengin olması nedeniylebal arısı (Apis mellifera) yetiştiriciliği için oldukça uygun bir konuma sahiptir. Bu çalışma, Adanailinde arıcılığın genel yapısını ve sorunlarını incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma, Adanailindeki 169 adet arı yetiştiricisine konakladıkları yerlerde ziyaret edilerek teknik arıcılık ile ilgilisorular içeren anket çalışması olarak yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak, çoktanseçmeli ve açık uçlu sorulardan oluşan anket formu kullanılmıştır. Bu anket çalışmasında sorulansorularla arıcıların kişisel bilgileri, eğitim durumları, arıcılığa başlama nedenleri, kaç yıldır arıcılıkyaptıkları, arı hastalıkları ve zararlılarını tanıma durumları ve yetiştiriciliği yapılan arı ırkları gibikonularda veriler elde edilmiştir. Ankette kullanılan sorular ildeki arıcılık yapısını genel hatlarıylatanımak için hazırlanmıştır. Yapılan çalışmadan elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesi sonucunda,ildeki arıcıların %99,4’ünün erkek olduğu, yaş ortalamalarının 47,77, arıcıların %58,5’nin eğitimdüzeyinin ilkokul, arıcılık deneyim sürelerinin ortalama 19,22 yıl ve koloni sayıları ortalamalarının293,21 adet olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca arıcıların karşılaştıkları sorunlar belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır.Öğe An empirical analysis of technical efficiency determinants in beekeeping farms: evidence and policy implications from Nigde Province, Turkey(Agenzia Italiana Cooperazione Sviluppo-Italian Dev Coop Agency, 2018) Gurer, Betul; Akyol, EthemTurkey has huge honey production potential. However, traditional production mode negatively affects the total production and productivity. The purpose of this study was to analyse the determinants of technical efficiency of beekeeping farms. This paper also aimed to examine the association between beekeeping subsidies and farm efficiency using stochastic frontier analysis on beekeeping farming. In this study, it was used primary data from 54 producers in Nigde province in 2017. Producers were selected through stratified sampling method. According to results, the mean technical efficiency of the beekeeping farms is 0.57. The beekeepers were found to be generally fairly inefficient. This implies that there will be need to develop new technologies to raise productivity. The most important factors, which determine technical inefficiency, are the existing of pure race bee in colony, education level of farmer, hive numbers, beekeeping subsidies, age of farmer, type of beehive and the number of migratory activity. The result revealed that pure race bee in colony had a great impact on beekeeping productivity. According to inefficiency model result, the government subsidy scheme for beekeeping had a net negative impact on the technical efficiency of beekeeping farm. For this reason, integrated development efforts and implementation of policies, which will develop the technology that will enable to use resources more efficiently in agriculture, have great importance to improve the sector.Öğe An observation study on the effects of queen age on some characteristics of honey bee colonies(AVENUE MEDIA, 2008) Akyol, Ethem; Yeninar, Halil; Korkmaz, Ali; Cakmak, IbrahimThis study was conducted to determine the effects of the queen's age on performance of the honeybee (A. mellifera anatoliaca) colonies at nomad beekeeping conditions. Performances of the colonies, which had 0, 1, 2 and 3 year-old queens, were compared. The number of combs, brood areas, wintering ability survival rate and honey yield were determined as performance criteria. The average number of combs with bees throughout the experiment in Group I, Group II, Group III and Group IV was 10.92 +/- 0.78, 14.68 +/- 0.55, 10.10 +/- 0.60, 7.88 +/- 0.45 number combs/colony; the average of brood areas was 3078 +/- 372.5 cm(2), 3668 +/- 460.3 cm(2), 2215 +/- 294.0 cm(2), 1665.38 +/- 241.8 cm(2); the average of wintering ability was 84.3 +/- 2.9%, 88.0 +/- 3.7%, 46.6 +/- 19.0%, 26.8 +/- 16.5%; the survival rate was 100%, 100%, 60%, 40%; and the average of honey yields was 31.4 +/- 1.89 kg, 41.5 +/- 1.05 kg, 20.4 +/- 2.62 kg and 12.0 +/- 1.41 kg per colony, respectively. A significant and negative correlation between queen age and brood production (r=-80.2), colony strength (r=-62.5), wintering ability (r=-66) and honey yield (r=-75.6) were calculated (P<0.01). The colonies headed by young queens had more brood areas, longer worker colony population, better wintering ability and greater honey yield in comparison to colonies headed by old queens.Öğe Benmari ve Ultrasonik Banyo Yöntemleriyle Isıtmanın Balların Kristalize Olması Üzerine Etkisi(2019) Akyol, Ethem; Güneşdoğdu, MustafaBu çalışma; ultrasonik banyo ve benmari yöntemleri ile ısıl işlem uygulanan kristalize katı ve sıvıpolifloral çiçek ile pamuk ballarının yaklaşık 1 yıl oda ısısında depolama şartlarındarekristalizasyon-kristalizasyon oluşumunun belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Yerel arıcılardantemin edilen kristaize katı ve sıvı bal örneklerine 25°C ve 50°C sıcaklıkta 2 saat süre ile ultrasonikbanyo ve benmari ısıl işlemleri uygulananmıştır. Herhangi bir işlem uygulanmayan bal örneklerikarşılaştırma amaçlı kontrol gurubu olarak kullanılmıştır. Ultrasonik ısı uygulaması yapılan ballardaortalama kristallenme oranı %8,75 iken benmari yöntemiyle ısıl işlem uygulanan gruplardakiballarda ortalama kristallenme oranı %31,25 olarak bulunmuştur. Kontrol grubunda ise ortalamakristallenme oranı %90 olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak uygulanan ısıl işlemlerin kristallenmeyeetkileri arasında önemli farklılıklar bulunmuş ve balların kristallenmemesi için 2 saat süreyle 50°Cultrasonik banyo yönteminin etkili bir uygulama olacağı belirlenmiştir.Öğe Comparison of colony performances of Anatolian, Caucasian and Carniolan honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) genotypes in temperate climate conditions(PAGEPRESS PUBL, 2014) Akyol, Ethem; Unalan, Adnan; Yeninar, Halil; Ozkok, Duran; Ozturk, CahitThis study was carried out to determine the performances of Mugla and Nigde ecotypes (A. m. anatoliaca), Caucasian (A. m. caucasica) and Carniolan (A. m. carnica) honeybee genotypes in the region of central Anatolia conditions. A total of 40 colonies (each genotype group consisted of 10 colonies) were used in the study. All queens were reared at the same time and in the same apiary and were instrumentally inseminated. The average numbers of combs covered with bees were found to be 11.24 +/- 0.59, 9.51 +/- 0.42, 8.11 +/- 0.31 and 12.38 +/- 0.72 per colony respectively; the average brood areas were found to be 2825.0 +/- 240.3, 2160.6 +/- 176.8, 1701.9 +/- 129.7 and 2883.0 +/- 104.4 cm(2) per colony respectively; and the average honey yields were found to be 28.60 +/- 0.88, 15.40 +/- 0.69, 23.40 +/- 0.54 and 31.60 +/- 1.12 kg per colony in Mugla ecotype, Nigde ecotype, Caucasian and Carniolan genotypes respectively. The mean differences among the genotypes for number of combs with bees, brood area and honey yield were significant (P<0.01). These results showed that the Carniolan genotype had the best performance and Nigde ecotype had the lowest performance in temperate climate conditions. Therefore, productivity of the Nigde ecotype can be increased by a crossbreeding programme with Carniolan and Mugla genotypes.Öğe Controlling Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) in honeybee Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies by using Thymovar (R) and BeeVital (R)(AVENUE MEDIA, 2008) Akyol, Ethem; Yeninar, HalilThis study was carried out to determine the effects of Thymovar (R) and BeeVital (R) on reducing Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) damage in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies in spring season. Average percentage of Varroa infestation level was determined as 24.27 on adult workers before the treatments. The drugs were applied two times on 25 September and 16 October 2006. Average percentage of Varroa infestation levels were determined as 5.18%, 10.78% and 35.45% after the first application, 1.90%, 7.05% and 61.15% after the second application in Thymovar (R), BeeVital (R) and control groups, respectively. Average efficacies of Thymovar (R) and BeeVital (R) were found to be 96.91% and 88.66%, respectively. Difference between drug efficacies on Varroa mite was found significant (P<0.01). There was no queen, brood and adult honeybee mortality in all group colonies during the research.Öğe Determiming the Performances of Honeybees, Pure Bred Caucasian, Anatolian and Their Reciprocal Crosses under Nomad Beekeeping Conditions(MEDWELL ONLINE, 2009) Yeninar, Halil; Akyol, Ethem; Sahinler, NurayThis study was carried out to determine the brood production, development of adult worker bee population and honey yield of pure bred Caucasian (Apis mellifera Caucasica) (C (female male)), Anatolian (A (female male) (Apis mellifera anatoliaca) honeybees and their reciprocal crosses (C (male) x A (female) and A (female) x C (male)) under nomad beekeeping conditions in Central and South-East Anatolia with coastal side of East Mediterranean region of Turkey. All Queens were reared in same apiary, with same methods and at the same time. All of them were instrumentally inseminated. Average number of frames, covered with bees, of 10 measuring times between 25th April and 31st October, in C (female male), A (female male), C (female) x A (male) and A (female) x C (male) genotypes were found to be 11.6 +/- 0.4, 17.2 +/- 0.9, 11.5 +/- 0.5 and 17.8 +/- 1.0 number/colony and the brood areas 3754.2 +/- 340.8, 5425.1 +/- 416.9, 3742.6 +/- 323.8 and 5194.8 +/- 428.7 cm(2) colony(-1) were found, respectively. The total average honey yields for 4 groups were found as 36.3 +/- 3.5; 43.9 +/- 4.1; 33.1 +/- 3.5 and 55.3 +/- 4.5 kg colony(-1), respectively in 3 different ecological regions. There were found significant differences (p<0.01) among the groups with respect to on frames covered with bees, brood area and the honey yields. There were calculated high and significant (p<0.01) correlations (r = 0.85, r = 0.82) between frames covered with bees, brood areas and honey yield.Öğe Determination of Knowledge Level, Consumption Behaviours and Habits about the Bee Products of the University Students(2020) Arı, Sertaç; Ceylan, Durmuş Ali; Gül, Aziz; Akyol, EthemIn the research, it was aimed to determined he level of information of university students’ about beeproducts, consumption behaviours and habits. The study was conducted on 311 students who wererandomly selected from the students studying at Selçuk University. Most of the students whoparticipated in the survey live in the Marmara Region. When the results were examined, it was foundthat all of the students had knowledge about honey, however, the knowledge level for pollen, royaljelly, bee wax, bee venom and propolis were75.2%, 43.7%, 41.2%, 30.2%and 21.2%, respectively.There was also no significant difference bet ween gender and consumption of honey, pollen andpropolis. While here was a significant difference bet ween honey and propolis consuming of studentsin terms of monthly average income and consumption of bee products, there was no significantdifference in pollen and royal jelly consumption. It was found that there was no significant differencein bee product like honey, pollen and royal jelly between average monthly food expenditure andconsumption, but it was found that there was a significant difference in consuming propolis. Withthis information, the students how they obtained the bee products, how much they consume in whichseason, how they understand the artificiality and crystallization of honey, and the physical states ofthe products were compared and also, these results compared with the other studies made about thistopic before and some suggestions were madeÖğe Determination of some biochemical parameters of worker honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) belonging to different age groups(TUBITAK SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY, 2015) Akyol, Ethem; Selamoglu, Zeliha; Gulhan, Mehmet FuatThe catalase activity, total protein, and total RNA levels of worker bees of different age groups (4, 9, 15, 20, and 24 days old) within the same honeybee colony were studied. The catalase activities of group I (4 days), group II (9 days old), group III (15 days old), group IV (20 days old), and group V (24 days old) were 4.10 +/- 0.59, 4.32 +/- 0.57, 4.32 +/- 0.57, 4.41 +/- 0.49, and 4.47 +/- 0.48 kU/g, respectively. There were significant differences in total protein and total RNA levels among the different age groups of workers. The calculated total protein levels of group I, group II, group III, group IV, and group V were 22.28 +/- 0.77, 21.53 +/- 0.59, 20.95 +/- 1.05, 18.73 +/- 0.93, and 18.24 +/- 1.83 g/dL, respectively. The total RNA levels of group I, group II, group III, group IV, and group V were 22.42 +/- 0.16, 21.26 +/- 0.12, 19.30 +/- 0.08, 16.22 +/- 0.08, and 11.37 +/- 0.07 mu g/mu L, respectively. The results show that there was no significant difference among the average values of all age groups in catalase activity (P > 0.05), but significant differences were calculated among the total protein values of all age groups (P < 0.05).Öğe DETERMINING THE TOTAL ANTIOXIDANT STATUS AND OXIDATIVE STRESS INDEXES OF HONEY SAMPLES OBTAINED FROM DIFFERENT PHYTOGEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS IN TURKEY(PARLAR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (P S P), 2015) Akyol, Ethem; Selamoglu, Zeliha; Dogan, Hamide; Akgul, Hasan; Unalan, AdnanThis study aimed to determine the total antioxidant and oxidant status and oxidative stress index of honey samples which were collected from 11 different phytogeographical regions in Turkey. Honey samples were kept at 4 degrees C until analysis. Total antioxidant status, total oxidant status and oxidative stress indexes were defined with in vitro analyses in extracted honey samples, and then, the obtained data were compared statistically. These characteristics of honey were analysed by the most sensitive and reliable measurement kits developed newly. In addition, biological activities of honey samples originating from different regions were also compared. As a result of the study, the highest total antioxidant capacity was observed (P<0.01) in the honey samples obtained from Duzce and Mugla regions. The results also showed that total antioxidant capacities of honey samples could change according to various phytogegraphic properties of different regions in Turkey. Besides, antioxidant properties of honey depended on phenolic compounds that could change according to plant vegetation of honey obtained from different regions.Öğe Determining the total antioxidant status and oxidative stress indexes of honey samples obtained from different phytogeographical regions in Turkey(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2015) Akyol, Ethem; Selamoglu, Zeliha; Dogan, Hamide; Akgul, Hasan; Unalan, AdnanThis study aimed to determine the total antioxidant and oxidant status and oxidative stress index of honey samples which were collected from 11 different phytogeographical regions in Turkey. Honey samples were kept at 4 °C until analysis. Total antioxidant status, total oxidant status and oxidative stress indexes were defined with in vitro analyses in extracted honey samples, and then, the obtained data were compared statistically. These characteristics of honey were analysed by the most sensitive and reliable measurement kits developed newly. In addition, biological activities of honey samples originating from different regions were also compared. As a result of the study, the highest total antioxidant capacity was observed (PO.Ol) in the honey samples obtained from Duzce and Mugla regions. The results also showed that total antioxidant capacities of honey samples could change according to various phytoge- ographic properties of different regions in Turkey. Besides, antioxidant properties of honey depended on phenolic compounds that could change according to plant vegetation of honey obtained from different regions.Öğe EFFECT OF OXALIC ACID TREATMENT IN DIFFERENT SEASONS ON VARROA (VARROA DESTRUCTOR) POPULATION IN HONEYBEE COLONIES(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2017) Akyol, Ethem; Unalan, AdnanIn honeybee colonies, insufficient struggle against diseases and parasites Or the use of wrong drugs at wrong time which reduce the productivity of colonies significantly. Additionally, these kinds of wrong applications can also threaten the human health because of chemical residues. Varroa destructor, which affects negatively the colony productivity, is the most important external parasite of the honeybees (Apis mellifera L.). Therefore, beekeepers have to use many different synthetic miticides for reducing or preventing the V. destructor damages. This study was carried out to determine the possible effects of ocalic acid treatment in different seasons on V. destructor population in honeybee colonies. Ten of total twenty honebee colonies had similar infestetion levels which were used for treatment group and ten colonies were also used as the control group. Average efficacies of oxalic acid treatment in different seasons on Varroa population in honeybee colonies in early spring (in March), summer (in June) and late autumn (in October) were found to be 80.22%, 69.72% and 84.61%, respectively (P<0.01). These results showed that oxalic acid treatment in late autumn and early spring against varroa in honeybees were about 21% and 15% more effective than summer, respectively.Öğe Effects of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Antioxidant Activity and Proline Accumulation in Apple (Malus domestica L.)(KOREAN SOC HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE, 2015) Unal, Bengu Turkyilmaz; Mentis, Oguzhan; Akyol, EthemThis study was conducted to determine the effects of exogenous application of different levels of salicylic acid (SA; 0 mM, 3.62 mM, and 7.24 mM) on antioxidant activity and proline accumulation in apple (Malus domestica Borkh cv. Red Chief Delicious) trees during late spring frost. The study was performed in Ulukisla, Nigde, Turkey from December 2012 to June 2013. We measured the levels of photosynthetic pigments, total proteins and proline in leaves, as well as superoxide dismutase and peroxidase enzymatic activities. We also performed morphological observations of the trees. The study was planned according to random experimental design. We determined that SA application increased the fruit number, shoot number, and carotenoid contents in the leaves, but this increase was not statistically significant. However, the fruit weights, superoxide dismutase and peroxidase activities, as well as chlorophyll, protein, and proline levels increased significantly in response to SA treatment compared to the control. In addition, the treated fruits were darker than the control. These results suggest that treating apple trees with exogenous SA may increase antioxidant enzyme activities as well as protein and proline levels and may alleviate the effects of late spring frost.Öğe Elma Bitkisi (Malus domestica L.)'nde Foliar Uygulanan Salisilik Asitin Donmaya Karşı Etkileri(2015) Ünal, Bengü Türkyılmaz; Mentiş, Oğuzhan; Akyol, EthemTürkiye ve dünya ekonomisinde önemli bir yeri olan elmanın donma zararına direncini artırmayı, verim ve kalitesini yükseltmeyi amaçladığımız çalışmamızda elma (Malus domestica L.) bitkilerinde fenolojik ve morfolojik gözlemler ile fizyolojik ve biyokimyasal analizler yapılmıştır. Bu bitkinin donma stresine karşı gösterdiği adaptasyon ile kalite ve verimi üzerine foliar salisilik asitin (0, 500 ppm/bitki ve 1000 ppm/bitki) etkileri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Yaprakta fotosentetik pigment içerikleri, total protein miktarı, prolin miktarı ile süperoksit dismutaz ve peroksidaz enzim aktiviteleri ölçülmüştür. Çalışma tesadüfi deneme desenine göre planlanmış ve verilerin istatistik analizleri SPSS paket programıyla (LSD testi) yapılmıştır. Elma bitkilerinin sürgün ve meyve sayılarının 500 ppm salisilik asit uygulamalarında, meyve ağırlıklarının ise 500 ppm ve 1000 ppm salisilik asit uygulamalarında kontrol grubuna göre artış gösterdiği, aynı zamanda uygulama gruplarında elma renklerinin de koyulaştığı tespit edilmiştir. Kla, klb, toplam kl, prolin, süperoksit dismutaz ve peroksidaz miktarları uygulama gruplarında kontrol grubuna göre istatistiki açıdan önemli derecede artmıştır. Karotenoid ve protein miktarlarında meydana gelen artışlar ise istatistiki açıdan önemli değildir. Elde edilen veriler ışığında foliar salisilik asit uygulamalarının elma bitkisinde donma stresinin etkilerini azalttığı, verim ve kaliteyi artırdığı saptanmıştır.Öğe Koloni Verimliliğini Artıran Yeni Bir Kovan Modeli(2019) Akyol, Ethem; Ceyhan, Ayhan; Güneşdoğdu, MustafaGezginci arıcılık; koloni verimliliğinin artırılmasında önemli bir uygulama olmakla birlikte sonzamanlarda kolonilerin nakliyesinde için işçi bulmak önemli bir sorun haline gelmeye başlamıştır.Arı taşımacılığının genellikle iller arasında ve gece saatlerinde yapılması zorunluluğu, ayrıca arısokması problemleri nedeniyle çalıştıracak eleman bulunamaması sorununu da beraberindegetirmiştir. Gezginci arıcılıkta taşımacılığın iller arasında yapılması yanında, kolonileri hemyüklerken hem de indirirken ayrı işçilik giderleri gerektirmesi de işletme giderlerini artıran bir diğerfaktördür. Bunun sonucu olarak da arıların taşınmasında işçi bulmak hem güç olmakta hem de işçilikmaliyetlerinin yüksek olması nedeniyle gezginci arıcılık ekonomik olmaktan uzaklaşmaktadır.Sürekli artan yakıt fiyatlarıyla birlikte nakliye giderlerinin de artması gezginci arıcılığı olumsuzetkileyen bir diğer olumsuzluktur. Arı yükleme ve indirmede yaşanan bu problemlerden dolayı birarıcı konakladığı yerden memnun olmasa da kolonilerinin yerini hızlıca değiştirememekte ve sezonuverimsiz bir şekilde geçirmek zorunda kalmaktadır.Öğe Live weight of queen honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) predicts reproductive characteristics(KANSAS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOC, 2008) Akyol, Ethem; Yeninar, Halil; Kaftanoglu, OsmanThe study was conducted to determine the effects of queen body weight at emergence on the mating ratio, acceptance of the mated queens by the queenless colonies, onset of oviposition, diameter of spermathecae, the number of spermatozoa in the spermathecae, and the egg-laying rate of the queens. The queens were categorized in three groups; Heavy (207.63 +/- 0.95 mg), Medium (193.47 +/- 0.96 mg) and Light (175.00 +/- 0.62 mg) according to weight at the emergence. Acceptance rates in heavy, medium and light queen groups were 93.33%, 86.66% and 66.66%; average mating ratios were 93.3%, 90.0% and 83.3%; and the onset of oviposition was 8.5, 8.8 and 9.8 days after emergence, respectively. The diameters of spermathecae and the numbers of spermatozoa in the spermathecae were 1.25, 1.06, 0.86 mm; and 5.2, 4.8 and 4.2 million respectively. The amounts of brood area, 30 days after the onset of oviposition were 6605.2 +/- 63.6, 5571.3 +/- 90.3 and 4520.2 +/- 58.3 cm(2) in the colonies headed by the heavy, medium and light queens. Statistically important correlations were found between queen weight and the diameter of the spermatheca (r = 0.98), the number of spermatozoa in the sper-matheca (r = 97) and egg-laying rate of the queens (r = 0.90).Öğe Milk Production and Composition in Camel and Its Beneficial Uses: A Review(2019) Ali, Wajid; Akyol, Ethem; Ceyhan, Ayhan; Dilawar, Sadia; Firdous, Asia; Qasim, Muhammad; Ahmad, MuhammadGlobally, 16.9% of milk used by humans is taken from different species other than a cow. Thesespecies are sheep, horse, yak, ass, goat, camel and buffalo. The global camel (Camelus dromedarius)population is about 34 million head with sharing of almost 0.4% of world’s non-cattle milk. Withinthe last 20 years, the curiosity of camel farming is amassed remarkably in different countries of theworld including the Netherland, Italy and USA for camel milk production. The camel is consideredas a goal animal of the 21st century because it produces high quality milk under extreme temperature,deficiency of pasture and dearth of water. The average milk production of camel fluctuates from 4to 30 lt with lactation length ranges from 9 to18 months having peak yield in second to the thirdmonth of lactation. Camel’s milk is used globally because of its salty taste, high vitamin Cconcentration and its medicinal properties. Nevertheless, it gives many valuable benefits such astreatment of autism, control diabetes and allergy, prevention from liver cirrhosis and replacer of cowmilk to avoid an infant’s allergic reaction. The camel milk is a natural treatment of diabetes as it hasa substantial result in a decrease of mean blood glucose and conserves necessary insulin doses.Camel milk constitutes of protein (2.5-4.5%), fat (2.9-5.5%), solid not fat (8.9 -14.3%), ash (0.35-0.95%), lactose (2.9-5.8%) and water (86.3-88.5%) as mean specific gravity is 1.03. Due to itsdistinct properties, the consumption of camel milk is increasing day by day and a number ofindustries are working to promote camel milk production and processing. Therefore, the tenacity ofthis review article is to explicate the beneficial uses and production of camel milk over the globe.Öğe The Comparison of Different Honey Bee Genotypes by Some Biochemical Parameters (Total Protein, Total RNA, Catalase and Malondialdehyde)(2021) Ünalan, Adnan; Akyol, EthemIn this study, some biochemical characteristics (total protein, total RNA, Catalase: CAT enzyme activity and malondialdehyde: MDA level) of Italian bee (A. m. ligustica) and Caucasian bee (A. m. caucasica), and Muğla and Anatolian bees (A. m. anatolica) from local honey bee races were investigated comparatively. Laboratory analyzes of biochemical characteristics were performed on worker bees aged 24 days old with 10 repetitions using appropriate methods informed in the literature. The amounts of total protein of bee races given above were 18.39±1.28, 20.71±0.63, 18.56±1.24 and 20.95±2.15 g/dL, respectively; the amounts of total RNA were 11.46±0.18, 12.10±0.26, 11.87±0.20 and 12.27±0.26 µg/µL, respectively; the CAT activities were 4.59±0.46, 5.12±0.67, 4.88±0.48 and 5.25±0.53 kU/g P, respectively; the levels of MDA were 0.52±0.04, 0.50±0.04, 0.48±0.02 ve 0.43±0.05 mmol/mg, respectively. Variance analysis showed that statistically significant differences among races in terms of the all characteristics examined. The results of CAT activity which is one of the indicators of antioxidant defense system, and levels of MDA which is an indicator of peroxidation of membrane lipids; and similarly total amount of protein also includes various proteins such as antioxidants and enzymes; it can be said that the Anatolian and Caucasian bee races (due to higher total protein, total RNA and CAT activities, and lower MDA level) are more resistant to various negative environmental factors (e.g. climate, flora, pesticide, etc.) than the Muğla and Italian bee races in the conditions of the Central Anatolia Region; there are significant differences between the bee races in terms of amounts of total RNA and this parameter can be also used in the characterization of bee races.Öğe The Effects of Age and Number of Grafted Larvae on Some Physical Characteristics of Queen Bees and Acceptance Rate of Queen Bee Cell(2018) Okuyan, Samet; Akyol, EthemThis study was carried out to determine the effects of age and number of grafted larvae onacceptance rates, body weight, body length, head width and length, thorax width andlength, and wing width and length of queen bees. One breeding and eleven starter hiveswere used for rearing queen bees. Totally, 495 one, two, and three-day-old larvae weregrafted into starter hives comprising 30, 45, and 60 and 414 larvae were accepted; thus,generally, the acceptance rate was calculated as 83%. The best acceptance rate wascalculated in three-day-old larvae group as 85.15%. There were found a statisticallysignificant effect of the number of grafted larvae on body length and head width of queen.However, there were any effects on weight, head length, thorax width, thorax length,wing width, wing length, and acceptance rate of larvae. Age of grafted larvae did nothave a statistically significant effect on head width, head length, wing width andacceptance rate of larvae. On the other hand, age of grafted larvae had a statisticallysignificant effect on queen weight, body length, thorax width and length, and wing lengthof queen. If bee breeders wish to improve their stock, they should graft one-day-oldlarvae for rearing better queen bees.